Each time a brand steps towards, what looks more like, a flipside of its current state, there is an outrage as people don’t accept it all too well. One such event took place recently when Instagram redesigned its logo. It is all over the Internet how everyone wild about it as if madness took over. And why wouldn’t they? It seems like Instagram has completely stepped away from its old, sophisticated personality that was once loved by the users.

Imagine a glaring, bright rainbow colored camera icon replacing the oh-so-loved old-fashioned icon which was very much the personality of the Instagram: use amazing filters and give an old-fashioned look to your pictures.

Even if there was a change required, in all, it could have been better, or even terrific instead of the terribly ugly look it holds currently. The designers at Dubai Monsters created some creatively cool variations of the logo, check them out:

Logo 1

Logo 2

Logo 3


Logo 4

Logo 6

Logo 5

Team Instagram claims that the new logo reflects the vibrant diverse nature of storytelling. But the question is, will it ever be the same for Instagram now?

Perhaps when Instagram decides to move to yet another personality switch that will set things right, probably then will it gain back the long-lost love. Not that people have started hating the app or something, hundreds and millions of users still use it and are madly in love with the super user-friendly app and the new and improved, simpler design. It’s just that, the neon logo is hideous to the extent that it has been criticized in a way that there is no respect in our hearts left.

While it may be quite an emotional way of explaining how we felt about it, but we stand by our opinion – it could have been better in so many ways! Regardless, it is here to stay and is still the crown king of filtered photos.

June 4, 2016

The New Instagram Logo is Terrible! Here are Better Versions of it.

Each time a brand steps towards, what looks more like, a flipside of its current state, there is an outrage as people don’t accept it all...