We live in a world where almost everything is personalized, consumers are more demanding and suppliers are producing stuffs that will standout in the market. It is much like survival of the fittest kind of situation when it comes to market your product, the big fish captures the most of the profit and the smaller ones are left untouched.

Customers love customizing their product. They want it to be like the way they want it to be. Studies have indicated that 70% of the users adore when they get personalized offers, whereas, 74% of them hates to receive irrelevant content. Under circumstances like these we have no surprise that your website should also need a customized look with a personalized experience.

Your website will look perfectly fine if you follow these simple yet effective five guidelines:

1. Geographic Hunt

Target your customers geographically. You can accomplish that by showing them the recommended offers which are close to them or by customizing messages to the international IPs. You can also use SEO geo targeting to have your site appear on top when a customer search for a relevant product within its Geographic limits.  

2. Create A Custom Homepage Message

To manage your online store you can add messages to your homepage that may pop up. Your messages will answer you some very important questions, like do they really care about your products? Do they compare you to your competitors? Or are they really interested in your product? etc. A personalized view of your webpage increases reliability and assurance for your website.

3. Dynamic Content Service

Your website should be dynamic not static. It should be creative and interesting. Giving recommendations regarding what to buy, or telling about your specially will help your customers to choose freely and be less selective. Act smartly, as it is a great way to personalize the experience. Gather all of the creative concepts and data, and customize your site according to interests and habits of the customers online.

4. Eliminate Hesitations

It is usually observed that during the process of purchasing, there comes a stage when the customer starts questioning about his purchase. Manage to overcome those hesitations a customer feels, add instant chat room or a helpline number to eliminate reservations a customer has, or introduce a message window that immediately answers the customer’s objection.

5. Never Rush into Profiling

Users hate when they are asked to fill in long forms, it literally takes a lot of time. Remember digital world is fast paced, a user never stays on, he wants the quickest way out. Of course you need data for processing but what is the smart way to asking the basic information and going in depth the next time the user visit your site. Thus you will have what you need and the user will not feel like he wasted his precious moments there.

Offering a custom experience is highly efficient. It doesn’t take much time, money and effort but all it wants is to be smarter. With the personalized experience, your potential customers will dramatically increase and so will your profits.     


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