A lot of online marketing terms are difficult to understand especially for small business owners. Today, most of the online marketing is mainly based upon SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and social media marketing. However, the confusion starts when you have to figure out what should be the right strategy to market online.
Most of the online marketing revolves around the strategies SEO provides, to generate greater traffic and attract larger audiences. For all of the small business owners here are some of the easiest definitions and elaborations of the most confusing terminologies.
Let’s startup with the landing page, they are used in Pay per Click campaigns to increase trafficking on site. When people click a particular campaign link, such as paid search results on Google, they will land on a specific page. They are different to home pages this is because they are targeted to a specific role. The other type comes, optimized pages, these pages are not the same as the landing page. Often marketers will optimize certain pages based on related keywords so that the rank of these pages is higher and to increase traffic.
Landing pages are usually used for paid campaigns; you can manually designate a destination for a link. And optimized pages are used when SEO and organic outcome are needed for a particular keyword.
Landing pages and optimized pages are ideal for generating traffic. These pages aren’t enough for everything, you still need a homepage through which offline marketing campaigns and promotional events carry on. By creating homepage you will attract that traffic that is attracted via optimized pages, you’ll be creating positive users by reducing the bounce rates.
Do not forget relevancy of your landing page plays a vital part in losing customers; it’s all about the execution of right message at the right time. As there are more mobile users than desktop users on the internet, make sure your website design is responsive and fits every screen perfectly so that it is easy to navigate and read.
If you are using a popup window, ensure that the size of the image you are using is small. This is because the user hates to wait long and just closes the new popped up tab. Your popup should load quickly and should communicate effectively by keeping the file size to a minimum.
The goal of online marketing is to maximize the return of investment of your website by increasing traffic and the conversion rate. But it seems confusing how these principles can be achieved but all it needs is the right place to build maximum relevancy and usability to the user.
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