Ashad Ubaid – Branex Official Blog Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:05:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ashad Ubaid – Branex Official Blog 32 32 The Power of GoLang – Why Every Developer Should Embrace It? Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:04:23 +0000 In the UAE’s thriving tech sector, where innovation is as essential as keeping cool during scorching desert summers, a new programming language is generating serious buzz...

The post The Power of GoLang – Why Every Developer Should Embrace It? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

In the UAE’s thriving tech sector, where innovation is as essential as keeping cool during scorching desert summers, a new programming language is generating serious buzz – Go. Created by Google, a name synonymous with global influence, Go offers the perfect blend of power and accessibility. 

Unlike some of its more esoteric counterparts, Go is open-source, making it a developer’s dream come true –– no hidden agendas or licensing fees to navigate. But Go’s appeal extends far beyond its origins. A recent Stack Overflow developer survey revealed a surprising statistic – many GoLang developers have reported how Go offers better job satisfaction. 

In a region where a skilled workforce is predominant, it appears as a language that empowers developers and fosters a thriving tech ecosystem. With its focus on clean, concise code, effortless scaling to meet demanding applications, and built-in support for handling multiple tasks simultaneously (concurrency), Go is poised to be a game-changer for developers across industries. 

From the futuristic skyscrapers of Dubai to the research hubs of Abu Dhabi, Go’s potential to streamline development processes with creative solutions is undeniable. 

Let’s explore the essentials for GoLang. 

What is GoLang & Why It Matters? 

GoLang, often shortened to Go, is a relatively young but rapidly growing programming language that’s quickly becoming a favorite among developers worldwide. 

Its story begins in 2007 at Google, where a team of engineers led by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson embarked on a mission to create a language that addressed the shortcomings they faced with existing options. They envisioned a language that combined the readability and simplicity of C with the powerful features and concurrency support needed for modern software development.

Go’s syntax is one of its defining strengths. It borrows heavily from C, making it familiar to developers with that background. However, Go takes a minimalist approach, with a smaller set of keywords and a focus on clear, concise code. It ultimately reduces the cognitive load on developers, making it easier to learn, read, understand, and maintain large codebases. Imagine a language where complex operations can be expressed in a few lines of clean code – that’s the beauty of Go’s syntax making it stand out from the rest.

What Are the Key Features of GoLang? 

Go isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a powerhouse under the hood. Here are some key features that contribute to its efficiency and make it stand out:

Simplicity: Go’s design philosophy emphasizes simplicity and minimalism. The language has a clean syntax, reducing the number of language constructs and avoiding complex features found in some other languages. It makes Go easier to learn, read, and maintain, especially for larger codebases and teams.

Statically Typed: Go is a statically typed language, meaning that variable types are checked at compile-time. This static type checking helps catch type-related errors early in the development process, improving code reliability and preventing certain classes of runtime errors. However, Go also supports type inference, reducing the need for explicit type annotations in many cases.

Concurrency Support: Go’s built-in support for concurrency is one of its most powerful features. Goroutines are lightweight threads of execution, and channels provide a way to communicate between goroutines safely and without explicit locking or race conditions. This concurrency model, inspired by Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), makes it easier to write efficient and scalable concurrent programs.

Garbage Collection: Go’s automatic memory management with garbage collection relieves developers from manually allocating and deallocating memory. It not only simplifies programming but also helps prevent common memory-related bugs like dangling pointers and memory leaks.

Fast Compilation: Go’s compiler is designed to be fast, enabling rapid build times and quick iteration during development. This speed is achieved through various techniques, such as aggressive inlining and parallel compilation.

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Go compiles to native binaries for multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This cross-platform compatibility means that developers can write code once and deploy it on different systems without modification, making Go a great choice for building portable and distributable applications.

Standard Library: Go comes with a comprehensive standard library, providing built-in support for common tasks like file operations, networking, cryptography, and more. This reduces the need for external dependencies and promotes consistency across Go projects.

Strict Dependencies: Go’s dependency management system is strict and explicit, promoting reproducible builds and making it easier to manage and version dependencies for projects. This helps prevent issues like “dependency hell” that can plague other languages.

Interface-Based Polymorphism: Go implements polymorphism through interfaces, allowing for code reuse and abstraction. Interfaces in Go are implicitly satisfied by types that implement the required methods, enabling a form of duck typing without the need for explicit inheritance or class hierarchies.

Built-in Testing: Go has built-in support for writing and running tests, with the testing package providing a simple and straightforward way to write unit tests. This encourages a test-driven development approach and helps ensure code quality and correctness.

Efficient Compilation to Machine Code: Go compiles directly to machine code, resulting in highly efficient and performant executable binaries. This makes Go a suitable choice for building systems that require low-level control and performance, such as operating systems, databases, and network servers.

Simple and Consistent Syntax: Go’s syntax is designed to be clean, consistent, and easy to read and write. This consistency helps reduce cognitive load and makes it easier for developers to quickly understand and contribute to Go codebases, even when working on unfamiliar projects.

GoLang in Action – Powering Businesses Around the World

GoLang isn’t just another programming language gathering dust on a shelf. It’s a rising star that businesses of all sizes are using to tackle real-world challenges. Here’s a glimpse into how some industry giants are leveraging GoLang’s unique strengths:



Imagine hailing a ride in Dubai’s scorching heat and getting matched with a driver in seconds. That smooth experience relies partly on GoLang. Uber utilizes GoLang’s ability to handle a ton of requests simultaneously, ensuring riders get connected with drivers quickly and efficiently. No more sweating through endless waits!



Remember the days of clunky banking apps that take forever to load? Monzo, a digital banking app, decided to ditch that frustration. Their entire backend infrastructure is built on GoLang. This means GoLang’s focus on keeping things running smoothly allows Monzo to handle a growing user base in the UAE and beyond, all while constantly innovating their financial services. It’s a win-win for both the bank and its tech-savvy customers.


Binge-watching your favorite show shouldn’t involve buffering nightmares. Netflix, the king of streaming, uses GoLang for various tasks, including managing their content delivery network (CDN). GoLang’s efficiency helps Netflix deliver high-quality streaming experiences globally, so you can enjoy that latest season without any interruptions.



Ever cheer on your favorite gamer during a live stream? The smooth chat functionality and real-time video processing on Twitch? That’s partly powered by GoLang! GoLang’s ability to manage tons of connections at once ensures smooth communication and low latency for millions of streamers and viewers – a must for the ever-growing Twitch community.


Drop Box

Sharing those vacation photos from the UAE with friends back home shouldn’t be a hassle. Dropbox, the file-sharing giant, uses GoLang for various backend functionalities. GoLang’s focus on performance and security ensures your uploads and downloads happen quickly and safely. No more waiting for files to crawl across the internet, and you can rest assured your precious memories are protected.


Ali Baba

From the bustling streets of Dubai to the online world, Alibaba, the e-commerce giant, relies on GoLang for critical tasks. GoLang’s ability to handle massive traffic volumes and complex transactions seamlessly makes it ideal for powering Alibaba’s vast online marketplace. This translates to a smooth and efficient shopping experience, whether you’re browsing for the latest gadgets or traditional Emirati crafts.



Ever wonder how all those complex cloud deployments work? Kubernetes, a container orchestration platform from Google, utilizes GoLang extensively. GoLang’s focus on automation and handling multiple tasks at once makes it ideal for managing containerized applications at scale. This contributes to the efficiency and reliability of Kubernetes, a platform that has become a key player in modern cloud deployments.

Learning & Getting Started with GoLang 

The world of GoLang is an exciting playground for developers seeking a powerful and efficient programming language. Here’s your roadmap to getting started & building cool things with GoLang:

Launchpad for Beginners

The Go Tour: The Go Tour is an amazing hands-on experience that takes you on a guided tour of GoLang’s syntax, features, and functionalities. It’s a fantastic way to learn by doing, getting a feel for the language in a practical and engaging way.

Structured Learning Paths

Online Courses: If you prefer a more structured learning approach, platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Pluralsight offer a wealth of video courses designed specifically for GoLang beginners. These courses typically provide video lectures, quizzes, and assignments, guiding you step-by-step through GoLang concepts and building your skills progressively.

Dive Deeper

Books: Once you’ve grasped the basics, consider diving into some well-regarded books. “The Go Programming Language” by Alan A.A. Donovan and Brian W. Kernighan is often hailed as the definitive guide to GoLang. It provides a comprehensive reference that you can revisit as you grow your expertise. Other popular options include “Go in Action” by William Kennedy, Erik St. Martin, and Brian Ketelsen, and “Introducing Go” by Caleb Doxsey. These books offer deep dives into various aspects of GoLang, allowing you to solidify your understanding and explore advanced concepts.

The Official Resource

Go Documentation: Don’t underestimate the power of the official documentation! It’s an invaluable resource, serving as your one-stop shop for everything GoLang. Whether you’re exploring the standard library, referencing language specifications, or troubleshooting an issue, the Go documentation is your trusted companion on your GoLang journey. The Go team keeps this documentation up-to-date, ensuring you have access to the latest information.

The GoLang Community

Remember, the GoLang community is known for being welcoming and helpful. Don’t hesitate to tap into this valuable resource! 

There are online forums and meetups specifically for GoLang enthusiasts. 

Joining the community allows you to connect with fellow developers, ask questions, share experiences, and gain valuable advice as you navigate your GoLang learning adventure. 

So, jump in, explore the resources, and don’t be afraid to reach out – the GoLang community is there to support you!

In the end, GoLang has come forth as a developer-friendly programming language rapidly gaining traction worldwide. Its focus on simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency makes it a compelling choice for building modern applications.

Key Takeaways 

Here are the key takeaways: 

  • GoLang’s Advantages: GoLang offers a unique blend of simplicity, readability, and powerful features like concurrency support and garbage collection. This makes it easier to write, maintain, and scale complex applications.
  • Benefits for Developers: Many developers report higher job satisfaction using GoLang due to its clean syntax, ease of learning, and focus on developer experience.
  • Real-World Applications: GoLang is being used by industry leaders like Uber, Netflix, and Alibaba to power critical aspects of their infrastructure, demonstrating its versatility and scalability.
  • Getting Started: The Go Programming Language offers a smooth learning curve with resources like The Go Tour, online courses, and well-regarded books. The welcoming GoLang community provides support and guidance for aspiring developers.

Concluding Paragraph

GoLang is a language that truly shines, whether you’re an experienced developer or just starting out. Its simplicity is refreshing, yet it packs a powerful punch with top-notch performance and built-in concurrency support that can revolutionize how you think about programming. What makes Go so compelling is its ability to streamline development workflows while empowering developers to tackle complex challenges with ease. The minimalist syntax and straightforward tools allow for rapid iteration and quick learning curves, while the robust standard library and efficient compilation ensure high performance when you need it.

Are you in search of a reliable GoLang developer in UAE? Branex offers the best GoLang developers to build you the perfect digital solution. 

As a GoLang development company, we have created remarkable apps and websites for our customers in the last decade. 

Reach out to Branex and let’s create an awesome GoLang application, one that not only wins customers but also offers a reliable experience. 

The post The Power of GoLang – Why Every Developer Should Embrace It? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

How Much Does a Mobile App Development Cost in the UAE? Wed, 27 Mar 2024 09:00:58 +0000 It must be the first thing that would have come to your mind when you thought of building a mobile app for your business. Whether you’re...

The post How Much Does a Mobile App Development Cost in the UAE? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

It must be the first thing that would have come to your mind when you thought of building a mobile app for your business. Whether you’re a startup, a well established business or an enterprise looking to digitally transform your current business by making it mobile, the required cost for its development is of high importance. 

Whether you’re a restaurant chain, a newspaper company, a laundry service, or some other commercial business, in today’s day and age, almost every business finds value by building a mobile app experience for their respective business. 

Entering 2024, there are various trends that have dramatically changed in almost every industry vertical including mobile apps. As per a recent report, the total number of mobile app downloads have dramatically increased by 23% alone in 2022 and the numbers are expected to grow with an app market share value of up to 221.5 million just alone by 2027. 

It opens a new gate of opportunities for entrepreneurs and startups. 

In this article, we are going to share all about mobile app development cost in UAE, the various factors which affect its overall development cost and how you can easily earn money through these mobile app solutions. So without further ado, let’s dive deeper and explore. 

Important Facts on Why Should You Invest in a Mobile App 

Do you know there are thousands of apps which are released on a daily basis? 

More than 100,000 apps are released on a monthly basis especially on the two major app stores, Google Play Store & Apple App Store. 

Google Play Store adds around 70,000 apps every month whereas, Apple App Store adds 30,000. 

  • UAE is a Mobile-First Nation: The UAE boasts one of the highest smartphone penetration rates globally, with nearly the entire population owning a smartphone. This means that your target audience is already using their phones for a multitude of tasks, and having a mobile app can put your business right at their fingertips.
  • Mobile Apps Drive Customer Engagement: UAE consumers are increasingly turning to mobile apps to interact with businesses. In fact, research shows a 23% increase in mobile app installs in the UAE in the first half of 2022 alone. A well-designed app can provide a seamless and convenient way for customers to learn about your products and services, make purchases, and get in touch with you.
  • Mobile Apps are Powerhouses for Sales: With a high mobile POS payment penetration rate, UAE consumers are comfortable making purchases through their phones. Your app can act as a virtual storefront, allowing customers to browse your products, compare prices, and make secure payments easily.
  • Mobile Apps Increase Brand Loyalty: Mobile apps can be a powerful tool for building brand loyalty.  By providing features like loyalty programs, push notifications, and personalized recommendations, you can keep your customers engaged and coming back for more.

How Much Does a Mobile App Cost on Average? 

In short, investing in a mobile app is a great way for UAE businesses to reach a wider audience, improve customer engagement, and boost sales. But how much does an overall mobile app development cost in dubai on average, like what should be an average ball park figure a business owner in Dubai should have in mind when going that route? 

The average cost of a mobile app depends on a number of factors such as the cost of the app, the app size, the platform on which you want to develop the app, the features you want to invest in, and the location where you want your app to be developed at. 

In our case, it’s the ever-evolving landscape of the UAE. That being said, the average cost of a mobile app can vary from $40,000 up to $200,000 (AED 146,800 up to AED 734,000). 

How Branex Calculates Mobile App Cost? 

At Branex, we understand the importance of transparent cost estimation for your mobile app project. Here’s a formula to help you estimate the right cost of your mobile app. 

Key Factors:

  • Total Development Time (TDT): It represents the total number of hours required to develop the app. It encompasses all stages, including planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. Factors influencing TDT include app complexity, features, and platform(s) targeted.
  • Hourly Rate (HR): This reflects the cost per hour of the development team you choose. Rates can vary depending on the team’s location, experience level, and expertise.
  • Complexity Factor (CF): This is a multiplier that accounts for the relative complexity of your app’s features and functionalities. Here’s a breakdown:
    • Simple App (Basic Features) – CF = 1.0
    • Medium Complexity App (Moderate Features) – CF = 1.5
    • Complex App (Advanced Features) – CF = 2.0
    • Highly Complex App (Extensive Features) – CF = 2.5
  • Platform Factor (PF): This factor reflects the number of platforms you’re targeting for your app:
    • Single Platform (e.g., Android) – PF = 1.0
    • Dual Platform (e.g., iOS & Android) – PF = 1.2
    • Multi-Platform (e.g., iOS, Android, Others) – PF = 1.5
  • Design Cost (DC): This represents the estimated cost associated with designing your app’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The cost can vary depending on the desired level of design complexity. 


Estimated Cost = TDT * HR * CF * PF + DC

Let’s assume you’re developing a medium complexity app (CF = 1.5) for both iOS and Android (PF = 1.2). You estimate the total development time to be 1,000 hours, and you’ve budgeted $50 per hour for development (HR = $50). The design cost is estimated at $10,000 (DC).

Estimated Cost = 1,000 hours * $50/hour * 1.5 * 1.2 + $10,000 = $120,000. 

Factors That Affects Mobile App Development Cost in UAE

First things first, you may first decide what type of mobile app you wish to invest in. App types differ based on two things; 

1) the development technology 

2) the purpose of mobile apps. 

Based on Technology: 

  • Native Apps: These are built specifically for a single platform (iOS or Android) using the platform’s native programming language (Swift for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android). This allows for optimal performance, user experience, and access to device-specific features like camera or GPS.
  • Web Apps:  These are essentially mobile-friendly websites accessed through a web browser on your phone. They offer cross-platform compatibility but may have limitations in performance and functionality compared to native apps.
  • Hybrid Apps: These combine elements of both native and web apps. They’re built using frameworks like React Native or Flutter, allowing them to run on multiple platforms while offering some native-like features.
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): These are advanced web apps that leverage modern web technologies to provide app-like experiences (push notifications, offline functionality) without requiring installation from an app store.

Here’s a chart that provides an estimated cost value of each mobile app based on technology. 


Based on Purpose: 

Mobile apps come in a wide variety of categories depending on their intended use. Here are some common ones:

  • Lifestyle:  These apps help manage daily tasks, including fitness trackers, food delivery, appointment booking, and social media.
  • Utility: These provide essential functionalities like weather forecasts, maps, note-taking apps, and file management tools.
  • Entertainment:  This category encompasses games, music and video streaming apps, e-readers, and social networking platforms.
  • Productivity: These apps help users be more efficient, including task management tools, document editing apps, communication tools, and cloud storage services.
  • News & Information: These offer access to news publications, weather updates, financial information, and educational content.
  • Games: This is a massive category of mobile apps for all ages and interests, ranging from casual puzzle games to complex strategy titles.
  • Travel: These apps assist with travel planning and booking, including flight and hotel reservations, city guides, and language translation tools.
  • Food:  These apps allow users to order food delivery, make restaurant reservations, and explore dining options.
  • Finance: These apps help manage personal finances, including mobile banking, budgeting tools, investment platforms, and cryptocurrency apps.
  • Photo & Video: These apps provide tools for editing and sharing photos and videos, social media integration, and special effects.
  • Shopping: These apps allow users to browse and purchase products online, compare prices, track orders, and manage shopping lists.

Similarly, you may find a chart showing the price of mobile app development cost based on purpose. Each mobile app can differ based on the different complexity factors. 


Factors Affecting the Cost of a Custom App Development Project

When we talk about setting aside the cost or budget that is involved in developing a mobile app, there are a few things that need to be considered. These factors play an important role on how your mobile app is going to be valued. When you’re making due investments in something like an app development project, these are just a few factors that you may want to consider.


The Market Need & Existing Market Opportunity 

Let’s say you’re a business owner planning to launch a mobile app from scratch. Don’t just jump on the app bandwagon! Before diving in, identify a genuine problem or unmet need in the market. Take for instance, the rise of food delivery apps like Uber Eats or Deliveroo. Both of these apps emerged because they addressed the growing demand for convenient meal delivery, a need not adequately fulfilled by traditional takeaway services.

Now explore who your target audience is, who you are building this app for? Imagine creating a fitness app focused solely on bodybuilding routines. While valuable for a specific niche, it wouldn’t cater to the broader audience interested in general fitness or weight loss. So it’s very important that you clearly define your ideal user persona, considering their demographics, interests, and tech-savviness. 

Finally, do a thorough research on the existing apps in your chosen category. Learn what makes them different, what their strengths and weaknesses are and check what they are doing differently. For example, if you’re developing a language learning app, giants like Duolingo exist.  However, by focusing on gamification and personalized learning paths, a new app could carve a space by offering a more engaging user experience.


App Conceptualization & Functionality 

Value proposition is just as important as coming up with a robust app idea for your business. Ask yourself, what makes your app stand out? Think of Airbnb. One may find each listing on the platform featuring a detailed description with photos that shares a unique story about the host and their home. The approach has previously helped Airbnb to go a head and shoulder above in the app market, attracting more users who are seeking for personalized experiences. It also helped travelers connect with locals giving a much more immersive travel experience. 

Next up are the features. You want your app to stand out uniquely and you certainly don’t want to overwhelm your app users with a cluttered experience. Start with the core functionalities that deliver value to your customers. For instance, photo-editing apps start with the basic editing tool such as the ones used for cropping and filters. Later on, more advanced features such as selective adjustments or special effects in later updates. Prioritize your end user requirement and then plan for the future iterations based on the user feedback. 

A beautiful yet confusing app won’t retain users. Think of Instagram’s clean interface and intuitive navigation. Users can easily discover new content, post photos, and interact with friends. Invest in a user-friendly design that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. 

Development & Cost Considerations 

Just as much as the platform is important, so is how to choose the right development technology. The platform will clearly depend on how you’re planning to design the app, how complex the app design is, and what resources will be used to make the app. 

For instance, if you’re building a simple to-do list app, a web app might be sufficient. But for a graphically demanding game, a native app would be ideal. Refer back to the cost estimation chart you created to understand the cost implications of each approach. Having a skilled development team is of high significance, so look for a team that holds enough experience in desired target platforms like (iOS and Android), ideally belonging to your industry. 

Your expertise can save you time and money by avoiding such roadblocks. 

Building an app is just the beginning. Factor in ongoing costs for maintenance, bug fixes, and future updates to keep your app functioning smoothly and secure.

App Marketing & Growth Strategy 

Even if you have made the best mobile app, it will become a hidden gem without proper App Store Optimization. Start with an appropriate app store optimization technique by introducing relevant keywords and adding useful visuals. By implementing these practices, you can develop an app that is easily discoverable and ensures it starts ranking in the required category. 

Building a great app is only half the battle. You need a strategy to reach your target audience and convince them to download it. The best way to achieve that is to utilize social media marketing, influencer marketing, or paid advertising to get your app in front of the right users. Don’t let your app become a one-time download. You can always plan strategies which allow you to capitalize on considering push notifications, start loyalty programs rewarding app usage or introduce useful in-app features which encourage continued engagement. 

For example, language learning apps might employ gamification elements like daily challenges or leaderboards to keep users motivated. 


Additional Considerations 

Monetization Strategy: How will your app generate revenue? Popular models include advertising, in-app purchases (like premium features), subscriptions (for ongoing access to content), or freemium models (offering a basic free version with paid upgrades).

Data Security and Privacy: With growing data privacy concerns, ensure your app adheres to regulations like GDPR (Europe) or CCPA (California). Implement robust security measures to protect user data, like secure logins and encrypted data storage.

Scalability and Future Growth: Imagine your app taking off! Consider how your app can handle a surge in users and potential future features. Building a scalable architecture from the start will prevent infrastructure bottlenecks down the line.

Key Takeaways:

  • The cost of developing a mobile app in the UAE can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the platform(s) it is developed for, and the features it includes.
  • The average cost of a mobile app in the UAE can range from $40,000 to $200,000 (AED 146,800 to AED 734,000).
  • Here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of mobile app development:
    • Type of mobile app (native, web, hybrid, PWA)
    • Purpose of the mobile app
    • Complexity of the app
    • Platform(s) the app is developed for (iOS, Android, both)
    • Design cost
    • Development team location and experience
  • Before you start developing a mobile app, it is important to consider the market need, your target audience, the app’s concept and functionality, and the development cost.
  • Once your app is developed, you will also need to factor in the cost of marketing and growing your app.
  • Here are some additional considerations for mobile app development:
    • Monetization strategy
    • Data security and privacy
    • Scalability and future growth


Investing in a mobile app can be a great way for UAE businesses to reach new customers, boost engagement, and drive sales. However, it’s important to carefully consider your budget and requirements before diving in. By understanding the factors that affect development costs and creating a realistic budget, you can increase your chances of building a successful mobile app that delivers a positive return on investment.

Remember, the cost estimates provided are just a starting point. It’s always best to get in touch with a reputable mobile app development company in the UAE for a more accurate quote based on your specific needs. They guide you through the app development process, from ideation and design to development and launch, ensuring your app becomes a success story.


The post How Much Does a Mobile App Development Cost in the UAE? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

The Top 8 Benefits of Implementing DevOps within Organization Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:52:33 +0000 In today’s digital race, speed and innovation are the key aspects that keep you ahead of the competition. However, traditional development silos can stifle progress.  Introducing...

The post The Top 8 Benefits of Implementing DevOps within Organization appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

In today’s digital race, speed and innovation are the key aspects that keep you ahead of the competition. However, traditional development silos can stifle progress. 

Introducing DevOps – a revolutionary approach that smashes these barriers, merging development and operations creating a much streamlined experience. 

But what are the real-world benefits? 

Our DevOps engineers spill the tea on how DevOps has supercharged their work, delivering faster, higher-quality software, and giving them the edge to win. 

Let’s talk about how DevOps can transform your development game!

Benefit # 1 – DevOps Assist in Breaking Down Silos 

One of the best benefits of implementing DevOps at your firm is that it breaks down silos. Teams that have traditionally operated in silos often encounter development roadblocks. When development teams focus on building features that ensure stable operations, it leads to fewer delays and frustrations, with less finger-pointing.

DevOps bridges the gap between open communication and exposes businesses to a culture of shared responsibility. Developers gain a deeper understanding of operational challenges and have a much clearer view of which parts of development are higher priorities. Conversely, it becomes easier for the operations team to delegate priority tasks more effectively to the development team. As a result, developers gain valuable insights and write more maintainable and reliable code. DevOps anticipates issues and proactively addresses them, creating an environment with a better sense of ownership and accountability.

As Gene Kim, a well respected figure in the DevOps community puts it, 

“DevOps is not just about tools; it’s about cultural change and breaking down silos between development, IT operations, security, and the business. It’s about fostering collaboration and shared responsibility for delivering high-quality software faster and more reliably.” 

He co-authored the influential book, “The Phoenix Project,” which uses a fictional story to illustrate the benefits of DevOps practices. 


Benefit # 2 – DevOps Fuels Automation 

A core tenet of DevOps is automation. By automating repetitive tasks like infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and testing, teams free up valuable time and resources. 

DevOps encourages baking security practices into the entire software development lifecycle. Freed from manual tasks, developers can explore integrating security tools and practices into the CI/CD pipeline. It offers DevOps team an edge for early identification of bugs and errors, and easy mitigation of vulnerabilities causing disruptions within the development process. 

Tools like Prometheus which is an open-source technology specifically designed to monitor and send alerts in cloud native environments is a great way to implement automation in development processes. It can collect and store metrics as time-series data, recording useful information with a timestamp. By sending this data to the relevant departments, DevOps can quickly identify bottlenecks and refine the code to deliver optimal speed and software scalability. 

DevOps can also implement automation within the deployment process leading to the creation of robust continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Several platforms such as Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or Azure DevOps Pipelines can be leveraged to automate code builds, code tests and code deployment. 


Benefit # 3 – DevOps Add Greater Scalability & Reliability 

DevOps introduces consistency and repeatability into workflows, resulting in improved software delivery and ultimately better business outcomes. 

DevOps advocates for the adoption of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools such as Terraform or Ansible for ensuring consistent and repeatable deployments across various environments. In IaC, server configurations and infrastructure are treated as code. Imagine having to manually set up a new server for each deployment. Not only is it time-consuming, but it is also prone to errors, leading to further development roadblocks. IaC automates this process, guaranteeing streamlined and identical environments for development, testing, and production.

Conversely, code changes are automatically integrated and tested frequently, facilitating early detection and resolution of bugs. With CI/CD, new code is merged with the source code and continuously tested, identifying issues early in the development cycle before they escalate. Consequently, code deployment becomes more reliable, resulting in software solutions that are better, more robust, and meet quality assurance standards.

DevOps also employs version control systems to track changes to code and infrastructure. Such implementations facilitate easy rollbacks, particularly if issues arise during deployment. 

Imagine deploying a new version and encountering a critical bug. Version control allows you to quickly revert to the previous stable version, minimizing downtime.


Benefit # 4 – Improved Communication & Effective Collaboration

Another leading benefit of having a DevOps team depends on factors such as accountability, openness and quick response feedback. As Luca Galante puts it, 

“DevOps was born out of the need to reunite engineering teams and prevent developers from simply, ‘throwing their code over the fence’ to overwhelmed sys admins, who had to figure out then how to deploy it onto their infrastructure.’” 

DevOps fosters a culture of collaboration where development, operations, and security teams work towards shared goals. It necessitates clear communication and transparency throughout the software development lifecycle. Shared dashboards and project management platforms provide everyone with real-time visibility into the development process, reducing ambiguity and miscommunication. 

Also, DevOps promotes the use of a common vocabulary across teams. It eliminates confusion caused by technical jargon specific to each department. Everyone involved understands the overall process and the terminology used, leading to more efficient communication. There’s also a strong encouragement for deploying a culture of continuous feedback. Teams actively solicit feedback from each other throughout the development process. 

It led to early identification of issues and created a sense of ownership & accountability. 


Benefit # 5 – DevOps Help Achieve Shift Left Security 

A key benefit of DevOps is its emphasis on Shift-Left Security, which integrates security considerations throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC), rather than treating them as a final step before software deployment. 

DevOps implements automation for security checks and integrates CI/CD pipelines using tools such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), which scans code for vulnerabilities during development, providing immediate feedback to developers. 

This approach leads to effective collaboration between development and security teams, with developers undergoing adequate security training and implementing best security practices. 

It establishes better workflow processes, resulting in error-free code and appropriate security measures from the outset. Shift-Left Security helps streamline the development process by identifying security problems early, thereby avoiding delays caused by security audits at the end of the pipeline. 

Since it enables the integration of security measures at every step, the development team can more easily identify and address security issues early on, preventing delays due to security audits later in the pipeline.

A notable example is of a major online retailer (brand names are kept anonymous for that implemented automated security scans within their CI/CD pipeline. This led to the early identification of a potential SQL injection vulnerability during the development cycle, allowing for a quick fix before it could be exploited by attackers. 

Similarly, a financial service company adopted secure coding practices as part of their DevOps approach, resulting in a significant decrease in security vulnerabilities found during later testing stages.


Benefit # 7 – DevOps Empowers Team Collaboration 

Poor coding practices is something that users often experience when, though they often realize that a software product is poorly coded when it’s all too late. 

DevOps understand that software development is not all about seamless coding implementations. Someone who is not that good at coding can be really good at serving other roles such as team management, time management & resource management. In short, DevOps can find the diverse strengths of each member and help them work upon their strengths. Eventually, they acquire a well-rounded and more effective development unit. 

DevOps are trained in breaking down silos between development and operations. It helps them create a sense of shared responsibility and ownership of the final developed product. 


Benefit # 8 – DevOps Create a Good Organizational Culture 

When you work with a DevOps team, it improves interpersonal relationships which creates inter-departmental trust among key players. 

In this way, DevOps become the source of laying out a better team understanding, what challenges they face and what it takes them to accomplish these tasks. 

Such cooperation not only boosts worker morale, but also increases productivity and results in higher profit gains. Effective networking across different departments also allows to create alternative career paths leading to much well developed products. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • DevOps breaks down silos between development and operations teams, fostering collaboration and shared responsibility.
  • Automation is a core principle of DevOps, freeing up time for more important tasks and improving efficiency.
  • DevOps practices lead to more reliable and scalable software through consistent deployments and early bug detection.
  • Improved communication and a shared vocabulary are crucial aspects of DevOps, leading to fewer misunderstandings and a smoother development process.
  • DevOps promotes “Shift Left Security” by integrating security practices throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • DevOps values the diverse strengths of each team member and creates a well-rounded development unit.
  • A DevOps approach fosters a positive organizational culture with better team understanding, trust, and morale.


In today’s cutthroat digital world, speed, quality, and security are the holy trinity of successful software development. But traditional development silos can act like roadblocks, slowing you down and hindering innovation. That’s where DevOps comes in. Here at Branex, we’re passionate about helping organizations achieve their full potential through our expert DevOps services.

By implementing a DevOps approach, you can break down those silos and foster a collaborative environment where development and operations teams work together. DevOps is all about automation, freeing up your team’s time for the creative problem-solving that truly sets your product apart. 

If you’re looking to gain a competitive edge and deliver exceptional results, then DevOps is a strategic move you won’t want to miss. Branex can help you navigate the DevOps journey, empowering your teams and transforming your software development process. 

Let’s unlock your organization’s potential together.

The post The Top 8 Benefits of Implementing DevOps within Organization appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

Mastering ECommerce Marketplace – Your Definitive Roadmap to E-Commerce Website Fri, 01 Mar 2024 06:56:40 +0000 The UAE e-commerce market is expected to reach a value of $9.4 billion USD by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% between...

The post Mastering ECommerce Marketplace – Your Definitive Roadmap to E-Commerce Website appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

The UAE e-commerce market is expected to reach a value of $9.4 billion USD by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.7% between 2024 and 2028.

In 2024, the market is expected to see a growth of 9.0% compared to 2023. This explosive growth presents an undeniable opportunity for businesses to reach new customers and expand their reach. However, to thrive in this ever growing competitive market, coming up with a well designed & user-friendly e-commerce website is no longer an option. 

It has become more of a necessity. 

In this definitive guide, we will equip you with the knowledge & strategies required to build a thriving e-commerce presence. So buckle up, and let’s read everything about it. 

What is E-Commerce Website Development? 

E-Commerce website is the bridge that connects consumers to businesses. It involves practices where online shopping experience is digitalized, from business concept to virtualization and beyond. 

E-commerce breaks geographical barriers taking your business to a wider global audience reach. It targets specific demographics, expanding the customer base beyond physical reach.  

For a better ROI, a robust e-Commerce platform works on vast amounts of data, customer behavior, preferences and interactions. All such interactions allow e-commerce experts to create targeted campaigns with personalized recommendations and well optimized marketing. 

To begin with ecommerce website development, following are some of the pre-requisites that every e-Commerce business should consider to help customers find what they are looking for. 

How to Develop an E-Commerce Website? 

Understanding Your Target Audience 

The first step to effective e-commerce website development is understanding your target audience. Since you’re selling your products through an e-commerce store, your website becomes the most integral part of your business. It’s where the majority of your marketing efforts should be focused because it’s where conversions take place.

Therefore, it’s essential to create a website that appeals to your customers while incorporating current ecommerce web design trends. An attractive website, following the latest trends, will ensure guaranteed conversions. To identify your target market, the first thing you need to do is explore who your audience is. You can examine their demographics, age, and gender, and evaluate the existing customer base.

All of these activities will help you put together the perfect buyer persona.


A prime example of an e-commerce business that effectively identified its target audience is “Dollar Shave Club.” They revolutionized the shaving industry by providing subscription-based razor and grooming product deliveries directly to consumers’ doors at affordable prices.

Here’s what Dollar Shave Club did differently:

  • Understanding Customer Pain Points: Dollar Shave Club invested significant time in researching and understanding the common pain points of adult men. They discovered that the high cost of men’s hair care and grooming, along with the inconvenience of purchasing razors from traditional retail outlets, was a significant issue.
  • Conducting Extensive Market Research: Dollar Shave Club conducted thorough market research to study their target demographics. They identified their ideal customer as typically young to middle-aged men seeking affordability and convenience.
  • Creating a Distinct Brand Persona: Dollar Shave Club took an extra step by crafting a unique brand persona characterized by humor, simplicity, and authenticity. This persona resonated well with the target audience, making the brand approachable overall.

Choosing the Right E-Commerce Website Platform 

Finding the right eCommerce platform is something that every eCommerce store owner is concerned about. The platform which you choose for your eCommerce presence decides how successful your eCommerce journey is going to be. The right eCommerce platform will make it easier for you to manage and promote your online store and that will eventually impact your user experience. 

Entrepreneurs often have to explore three options; 

Open Source ECommerce Platform – The first option you have is the open-source ecommerce platform. Open Source ECommerce platform offers greater flexibility and better control. You can easily modify the open-source code and redesign your ecommerce platform, just the way you want. Although they are free to install, you may have to spend an amount in maintenance which makes them a bit costly to run. 

WooCommerce is one of the widely used WordPress integration and is a globally recognized content management system. It’s an open-source, free to use CMS bringing powerful e-commerce functionality. You can have a higher level of customization, and can tweak around with different themes and extensions available. The extensive customization and user-friendliness is what makes a large and active community. WooCommerce is built with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind, helping your online store rank higher in search engine results. You can also integrate different payment gateways, so whether you have credit cards or digital wallets, you can integrate multiple payment options for customers. 

SaaS Ecommerce Platform – The second option are the SaaS ecommerce platform solutions. SaaS platforms are mostly pay-to-play platforms which operate on a monthly subscription fee. SaaS platforms offer you a wide range of tools which are relevant for building your online presence, promoting your business, and requiring significantly less maintenance. Many such things like platform security, ensuring PCI compliance and so on are usually handled by third-party SaaS ecommerce platform services.

A good example of a SaaS based eCommerce platform is BigCommerce. It has an Open API which merchants can utilize to make custom integrations and implement other customizations. Besides, SaaS eCommerce platforms aren’t as flexible and customizable as open-source platforms available. 

Headless ECommerce Platform – last but not the least, a headless e-commerce platform decouples the front-end presentation layer (the “head”) from the back-end ecommerce functionality. In a normal e-commerce platform, the front-end and the back-end are dependent on each other and are interconnected. 

So let’s say, if there are any changes or updates that you want to make within the user interface, you will have to make the changes within the back-end of the e-commerce system. 

However, the headless eCommerce platform has the front-end as a separate layer from the backend. You can use React, Angular, or Vue.js or any other front-end framework of your choice to build the user-interface that connects with the e-commerce back-end via APIs. 

Headless commerce offers you better customization options in comparison to SaaS platforms so you can have better experience & high-end customizability. 

Why Is It Important?

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is only one part of the ball game, there are several other factors which are dependent on what type of eCommerce platform you wish to choose. 

For instance, 

  1. What type of hosting environment will your website will best sustain in? 
  2. What level of security does your hosting require? 
  3. How SEO friendly is your eCommerce website? 
  4. What are the payment options which you want to integrate? 
  5. The back-end support, the mobile-friendliness & the level of eCommerce scalability. 

Altogether, the right eCommerce platform depends on what are your business requirements. Let’s say, if you’re planning to launch a shoe store where you’re not only selling shoes in Dubai, but you’re also selling it in different other locations of the Middle East, then you may want to consider your bandwidth requirements, the store size and the estimated online traffic. 

Determine Proper Product Categories 

Proper product categorization helps impact online shopping experience. When you define clear & intuitive product categories, it becomes easier for online shoppers to easily find what they are looking for. 

It’s where online merchants handle product taxonomy. Product taxonomy is all about understanding the different products which you will be selling online and creating a logical way to sell it online. 

Product taxonomy is just one side of the coin, the other side is how well you understand the product attributes, values and online shopper’s purchasing habits. 

When we talk about product categorization, a merchant usually begins the process by organizing broader categories and narrows it down to specific sub-categories. 

Let’s say, if you’re running an online apparel shop, product categorization becomes vital. You can start with broader categories such as Men’s wear, women’s wear and kids’ clothing. Then, you can select a main category and sub-divide it into smaller sub-categories such as tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwears, and accessories. 

For example, a main product category for men’s wear will have a hierarchical structure which may include a list of subcategories such as shirts, pants, jackets, & hats. It will make your eCommerce easy to navigate delivering improved experiences. 

Standout As a Brand 

In a crowded online marketplace, standing a head and shoulder above the competition. Start with developing a unique branding style and make sure your online store stands out among competitors. After all, you want to create a unique brand personality that resonates perfectly with your target audience. A unique brand identity is what will set you apart from the competition. 

Start by developing a cohesive branding style which mostly surrounds color scheme. 

How the Right Colors Create an Impact? 

The best colors will take your brand identity a step forward. It will offer your brand a well groomed and better personality. Here’s how the right color scheme holds significance in the eCommerce space. 

  • Brand Identity: Colors have the power to convey specific emotions and messages. Choosing the right ones helps communicate your brand personality to your audience. For example, a playful toy store might utilize vibrant and energetic colors, while a luxury jewelry brand might opt for sophisticated and elegant tones.
  • Emotional Connection: Colors can evoke emotional responses in viewers. Understanding how different colors affect emotions allows you to create a specific experience for your visitors. For instance, warm colors like red and orange can stimulate feelings of excitement and urgency, which can be beneficial for encouraging purchases.
  • Memorable Impressions: A well-chosen color scheme can contribute significantly to brand recognition and recall. Consistent use of your color palette across all platforms, from your website to social media, creates a visual signature that people will remember and associate with your brand.
  • Improved User Experience: Colors can also influence user behavior on your website. Using contrasting colors for important elements like calls to action (CTAs) can enhance their visibility and user engagement.

For example, the motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson exemplifies the strategic use of color psychology in brand building.

Their signature Vivid Black, often paired with chrome accents, perfectly embodies the brand’s masculine, rebellious, and American-made spirit. This bold color choice resonates deeply with their target audience, who often associate black with strength, power, and individuality. 

Add Images & Description 

The only downside of online shopping is that your customers don’t have the liberty to test the product, or inspect it physically. Shoppers are unable to get the feel of the product which means online retailers don’t carry the burden of creating product displays for interested buyers. 

So what should an eCommerce store owner do in such a situation? How should they actually win their customers? It’s by putting up high quality and original images along with a proper description. Start with a quality camera (for instance a DSLR or a good smartphone) and create product images from multiple angles. While taking pictures, make sure that the product is kept in a well-lit location so it can have a more vibrant look. Use a tripod stand to place your camera for excellent stability. In this way, all your product images will have consistency. 

As a result, your shoppers will have more time to inspect and get 360 degree product spin. Don’t forget to add a product description that satisfies the needs or interest of a shopper.  

For instance, Everlane, a popular online clothing brand, focuses on high-quality, ethically sourced basics. However, customers can’t try on the clothes before purchasing, which can lead to concerns about fit and fabric feel.

So Everlane uses clear and well-lit photos showcasing their garments from various angles, including close-ups of the fabric texture and details. They also feature models of different body types wearing the clothes, allowing customers to envision how the garments might look on them.They offer a zoom function on their product images giving enough liberty to customers so they can check the stitching quality or fabric texture more closely. 

Planout Your Content Marketing Strategy 

For an eCommerce website to stand out, it is highly relevant to have an effective content marketing strategy in place. A workable content marketing strategy can help you drive more leads to your eCommerce business, so you can convert online visitors into successful customers. 

The first thing you need to do is; 

Define your target market. Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Who is it that you’re trying to reach with your content? 
  • Are you aware of their interests, needs, and pain points? 
  • Do you know who your audience is, what their specific desires are? 

Next, try to understand; 

  • What do you want to achieve with your content marketing? 
  • Is your goal to increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, or boost conversions? 

When you have clear goals, you can measure the success of your content & adapt to a working strategy. Once you’re aware, the next step is to invest in informative, well-written & visually appealing content that resonates with your target audience. By addressing customer pain points, offering relevant solutions, showcasing expertise & highlighting benefits of your products, you can win your target market and drive more eCommerce sales.

Test Your Website 

So before you launch your eCommerce website, always remember to test your eCommerce site extensively. After all, the last thing you want is a business that is buggy and broken. 

Not only does it damage your brand’s reputation, but also makes it harder to pull customers in the future. Start by analyzing your website’s speed, responsiveness & browser compatibility. 

Check if your eCommerce website ideally loads under 2 seconds. A good website should take only a second to load up. Test your page load time using a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights & use the information to collect recommendations so it improves overall site performance. 

Last but not the least, put yourself in the shoes of your customer and test the user flow. Check your site’s navigation, search for a product on your eCommerce platform and add it to your cart. Go through the checkout process and see if everything is running smoothly. 

Key Takeaways

  • E-commerce is booming, offering immense opportunities for businesses to reach new customers.
  • Building a user-friendly and well-designed e-commerce website is crucial for success.
  • Understanding your target audience and their needs is essential for creating a successful online store.
  • Choosing the right e-commerce platform depends on your specific needs and budget.
  • Clear product categorization, high-quality product images, and informative descriptions are essential for online shopping experiences.
  • A well-defined content marketing strategy can drive traffic and conversions to your e-commerce business.
  • Thoroughly testing your website before launch ensures a smooth user experience and protects your brand reputation.


Building a thriving e-commerce presence requires careful planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying up-to-date with the latest trends, you can create a successful online store that attracts customers, drives sales, and propels your business forward. 

Are you looking for an eCommerce website solution for your business? Branex is an Ecommerce web development company, we offer you a feature-rich and fully customizable eCommerce solution. Over a span of decades, we have helped many businesses transform their digital presence and bring their digital journeys to life.

The post Mastering ECommerce Marketplace – Your Definitive Roadmap to E-Commerce Website appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

B2B Marketing & Sales in 2021 with Account Based Marketing Thu, 03 Dec 2020 07:11:43 +0000 Although the term must be circulating the market for quite some time, I recently came across what marketers are coining as “Account Based Marketing (ABM)” and...

The post B2B Marketing & Sales in 2021 with Account Based Marketing appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

Although the term must be circulating the market for quite some time, I recently came across what marketers are coining as “Account Based Marketing (ABM)” and as a matter of fact, I had the urge to explore what it’s all about. Hence, I took my time to perform my research and came to the following conclusion.

“Account based marketing is a term specifically used in the business to business marketing environment where businesses usually custom design highly personalized marketing campaigns to create the best engagements with individual accounts.”

Moving into 2021, what I have learned so far is that now that this type of marketing is now becoming more streamlined & well-optimized. It’s one of the reasons why I believe that ABM is becoming quite a popular concept among B2B marketers and have a clear chance of being used abundantly in the coming time. It will have a maximum effectiveness ratio in the coming days. As far as the statement goes, why will it be such a cherished marketing strategy in 2021? Well here are some clear facts to address.

  • According to Hubspot, more than 67% of businesses leverage the power of ABM marketing.
  • According to Engagio, 29% of the overall marketing budget went to ABM marketing back in 2019.
  • Topo Researched that there was a 41% increase in the ABM budgets in the year 2019.

The stats above are pretty evident why brands presently should focus on enhancing ABM strategies. Such account alignments can propel the future of sales and marketing strategies, especially for B2B companies. What are the long-term advantages of implementing Account Based Marketing in business?

Here are a few.

Benefits of Account Based Marketing for B2B Markets in 2021

Optimize Personalization Effectively

The future is all about personalization. And with the passage of time, personalization is becoming a key player in marketing. Using ABM strategies, a business becomes capable of developing and creating highly personalized business campaigns that can target single potential clients. Marketers are more well-equipped with the needs and want of the customers, which allows them to create eye-catching creatives that are specifically designed to suit the potential customer requirement. In the near future, B2B marketing will significantly rely on personalization, and here’s where ABM can win audiences better.

However, when personalizing don’t invade anyone’s personal space because it’s unethical.

Account Based Marketing

It Will Align Sales & Marketing Effectively

If you want to succeed in B2B marketing, you need to establish a clear and concise way to align sales & marketing under a single roof.

Account Based Marketing

When it comes to winning an audience, it is essential that marketing & sales should work in unison to achieve a common goal, that is to provide the best customer experience. With ABM in effect, the sales team can work more effectively with marketing by sieving out the most potential customer profiles and key accounts, and then create customized campaigns for the following accounts. Customers will eventually feel more empowered when tailored campaigns will make them feel special. And the chances of taking action will become more imminent.

It Will Speed Up the Sales Pipeline

One of the increasing benefits of opting in for the ABM marketing and sales approach is that it allows you to target only the key customers who are the most influential decision-makers within the firm. By custom tailoring campaigns to specifically target a few key accounts, you will get a significant boost in your sales pipeline. It’s one of the reasons why ABM is of great benefit when in the future of B2B marketing.

Account Based Marketing

How Does ABM Marketing Works?

When it comes to ABM, it all starts with creating meaningful segments and utilizing powerful marketing tactics to reach out to potential key account holders. You can reach these individuals through a number of channels such as social media, paid media, landing pages, lead magnets, and emails.

There are three phases to accomplish Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Phase # 1: Find Out Key Account Holders

Search up potential accounts of individuals who are decision-makers within a respective industry. You can easily find out some people who have a central role in operations and business dealings.

Phase # 2: Invest in Building a Powerful Content Strategy

Next up is content creation. You have to be smart when creating a powerful content strategy that can help you convert visitors without breaking a sweat. When pitching high-end customers, you don’t want to sound too salesy or you don’t want to come out as somebody with a blatant pitch. Focus on the needs & wants of the key accounts that you want to reach out to. Do whatever you can to communicate value to them. To do so, you may have to perform thorough long-term research on your clients.

Phase # 3: Now Identify Ways to Reach Them

Once you have found out the key account holders and authority figures in your specific niche, and you have created a powerful content strategy, it’s time for you to find out ways in which you can reach them. Start by searching where your key account holders mostly spend their professional time. One place to look for them is LinkedIn. It’s where they usually associate themselves with businesses. Now use your well-optimized content strategy to reach out to these individuals. Use measuring tools and other forms of metrics to analyze how your content is performing. You can do all that with the help of a CRM.

In a Nutshell

If you want to upscale your sales game, then you should understand how you can leverage the power of ABM to make the most out of your efforts. When talking business, it’s all about how effectively you can communicate with your target audience and how you can provide value to them. Is your business in Dubai seeking to put together a powerful B2B marketing strategy?

Branex Digital is interested in helping you bring qualified leads and generate sales abundantly.

The post B2B Marketing & Sales in 2021 with Account Based Marketing appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

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How to Choose a Catchy Business Name to Make a Grand Entry in the UAE? Fri, 06 Nov 2020 13:51:34 +0000 If there’s one thing that can have a great impact on your business success, it is the name that you choose to give to your website/brand/business....

The post How to Choose a Catchy Business Name to Make a Grand Entry in the UAE? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

If there’s one thing that can have a great impact on your business success, it is the name that you choose to give to your website/brand/business. Yes, you heard me, right! The magic of success lies in the name you pick for your digital business. While choosing a suitable trade name for a business may sound like an easy task, when you start searching up for its digital website, you will conclude that almost a great many have already been taken. Besides, if you live in a certain state of UAE such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or Sharjah, then you may have to experience some legal restrictions.

Choosing a Company Name in the UAE Market

Are you operating in a multicultural jurisdiction where you may have to interact with people who are actively engaging with each other using multiple languages? If you’re living & operating in the UAE market, here’s how to choose a business name in UAE that will make your business a success.

The Game of Acronyms

One of the initial steps you need to take when setting up your business in the UAE is to choose the right trade name for your business. But while you’re picking out one, make sure to pay attention to different constraints. Firstly, when you’re launching a business in the UAE market, you are not allowed to formulate a name that is simply based on just the acronyms.

The only condition where you’re allowed to use an acronym is when you already have a globally recognized brand under that acronym. For instance, HSBC is a globally recognized brand and if they want to open up a brand in the UAE market, they are allowed to use that acronym. The law is strict about names, and according to UAE, all the branches and representing offices of the same business operating in UAE are required to use the same acronym.

Hence, when you’re launching a business in UAE and planning to use acronyms, you will be required to have a proper name that complements the acronym before proceeding forward.

Find the Meaning of your Trade Name in Arabic

One of the most important things you need to pay close attention to is what does your chosen Trade name translates into Arabic. After all, when you’re choosing a name in the Arab market, you need to make sure that your chosen brand name does not sound offensive or closely relate to an Arabic word which holds an offensive or vulgar meaning.

When choosing a trading name, make sure that you choose one which conveys the right message to your Arab audience. Because if it doesn’t, it will get rejected by the Trade Association, and in case it does get approved, there’s a high chance that people will feel offended and may discourage your brand. Arabs are very cultural people and keep the culture in high regard.

Make sure to respect the Arab culture, especially when you’re choosing a brand name.

Reference to Business Activity

One more requirement of choosing a business name in the UAE market is to find a name that provides a reference to at least one of your business activities. The name which you choose for your business should reflect the type of work which you’re doing.

This particular condition becomes a little difficult to achieve especially for businesses that are making foreign investments. Here’s something that is not quite popularly required in different other parts of the world such as Australia, Canada, the USA, or the UK, but it is a mandatory rule to follow in UAE. So buckle up, if you’re planning to launch a brand in the UAE market.

Check URL Availability

We live in a day and age where everything we do is digitalized. So before you proceed ahead, check for the URL availability of your business. Now, all the .com names are pretty much taken. If you can’t find a name in the .com section on NameCheap or GoDaddy, then you can always go for the .ae version.

Using Premium Words May Cost You

When you’re registering your business with the Trade Association of UAE, there are certain premium words, which can cost you an additional premium charge. For example, if your business has words such as “The Middle East,” “Global,” or “International,” then you will have to pay an additional fee.

Make Sure You Have Alternatives

When planning for a brand name for launching your business in the UAE market, make sure that you have several alternatives prepared beforehand. There’s a high chance that when you come up with something, it might already be taken. What if you choose a business name and it gets rejected during the application process? When such situations arise, you should always keep a backup.

Because let’s face it, knowing that you don’t have any backups prepared, you can often end up choosing a name in haste that does not optimally fit correctly with your brand.

Lastly, Make Sure Your Business is Easy to Spell

If you want to make sure your business grows, then you need to make sure it has a simple and memorable name. If your name doesn’t have clarity or is quite the tongue twister, people won’t easily remember it. The next time somebody asks them about your business, their only response will be,

“The one with the complicated name, which I can’t remember.” so yeah! You don’t want that to happen.

Easy names with perfect clarity are somewhat favored not only by humans but also by Google Search.

How to Name Your Company in the UAE Market?

When it comes to choosing a trading name for your business in the UAE market,

  • Pick something that doesn’t sound offensive in Arabic.
  • Don’t use acronyms.
  • Make sure it is concise, clear, and memorable.
  • It relates to your business.
  • It can be turned into a business URL (optional).

Company formation in Dubai can be quite overwhelming. But if you are connected with the right people, you can easily establish any business without facing any discrepancies. However, if you plan on creating a website for your established business or you want to find out the benefits of getting a website in UAE, our web design and development agency is more than willing to assist you.

We are an established web design company in Dubai helping brands worldwide.

The post How to Choose a Catchy Business Name to Make a Grand Entry in the UAE? appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

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Major Business Problems You Can Encounter While Launching a Business in UAE Tue, 27 Oct 2020 11:03:27 +0000 UAE is a federation of seven emirates. Every federation follows his or her own rules and regulations. Henceforth, when it comes to doing business with these...

The post Major Business Problems You Can Encounter While Launching a Business in UAE appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

UAE is a federation of seven emirates. Every federation follows his or her own rules and regulations. Henceforth, when it comes to doing business with these federations, then there’s a strong chance that you may feel it a bit of a challenge. Just as much as the laws and regulations in UAE are biased for business owners, so is the fact that this place is a treasure trove for businesses. It has commendable growth rates, a progressive profitability margin, and a great chance of business success.

Moreover, The Free trade zones, which approximate around 40, has also become a driving force to increase foreign investments by offering 100% ownership to foreign individuals setting up businesses.

In short, UAE is a hub for business growth and development. But at the same time, it has its fair share of business problems. If you are planning to set up your business entity in the UAE market, here are some business challenges you may have to face when doing business within the state.

UAE Organization Ownership

If you’re planning to start your own company in the UAE market, under LLC (Limited Liability Company), you will require a local sponsor to come in collaboration with you. It means that you will be compelled to create a contract with a UAE national who owns 51% of the ownership of the partnership program. While a small scale or medium-sized business might agree with these facts & figures, a fully established organization or an enterprise might find this proposition very unsuitable.

It’s why UAE has now established Free Trade Zones, allowing enterprise-level organizations to perform businesses with a complete 100% ownership of their respective businesses. There are almost 40 zones across the UAE that fall under the category of the Free Trade Zone.

Finding a Local Sponsor for Business

Just as much as convincing yourself the fact that you have to pay extra dirhams to a local sponsor is difficult to digest, so is the fact that searching up a local sponsor is equally challenging. The UAE market is very versatile and many different individuals can sponsor you but finding the trustworthy one can be a bit challenging. When searching up a local sponsor as an investor, you may have to check if they already have a pre-established business in the UAE market.

You need to find a local sponsor who can provide you maximum liberty in doing business worldwide. At the same time, you want your sponsor to allow you to deal with businesses on your terms.

Finding such a sponsor to discuss your business problems and solutions can be a challenging task.

The Implications of VAT (Value Added Tax)

As per January 2018, UAE has introduced 5% value-added tax throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Here’s a tax return applied to almost every goods and service except for the essential edible items, healthcare products,, and education. Among the current business problems of 2020, finding and registering your business for VAT can prove a bit of a challenge.

Finding the right channels to register for the value-added tax can pose a few threats & challenges.

Getting Your Project a Funding

If you’ve just started out with a business and it is stuck in the commencement phase, obtaining funds for it can be a little challenging. After all, finding the right funding is necessary because you don’t want to fail with your big business idea now, don’t you? Assuming that you’re submitting an application for a business loan, you will have to show at least three years of audited balance containing positive figures.

The numbers will eventually confirm as growth indicators and will become proof that you’re on track.

Adapting to the Level of Formality in UAE

If you are setting up a business in the UAE market, you should be well aware of the formalities. There is a traditional culture that is greatly exercised all across the United States, indicating that men and women introduce and communicate with each other using traditional formalities. Suppose you are new to the UAE market. In that case, you may have to adapt to the Arab culture and norms to ensure you can effectively communicate with the audience.

Men communicate among themselves differently, whereas women communicate differently. If you are not aware of the customary acts and different tones of communication, then you can gravely suffer a formality setback which can pose a threat for your business.

Such customary greetings & communication can become seemingly difficult for Arabs to adapt to.

Getting Accustomed to the Job Market

Once you start a company, you are given the responsibility of not only just hiring employees but also providing them with visas. No employee is permitted to work within an organization or a company unless they have a work visa under their name. These certain rules and procedures are set by the government of the UAE to exercise lawful conducts and business transactions among employees & the employer. Once you get accustomed to the job market, it becomes relatively easier for you to enhance your workforce and add more individuals to your growing businesses.

Reported as per the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, almost 82% of startups fail because of poor cash flow management and not able to hire the right people for the jobs.

Concluding Thoughts

The UAE market is expansive and there are plenty of opportunities. However, just as much as the market is vibrant with opportunities, so is the fact that the market is filled with many business problems to solve. The year 2020 brings COVID 19 and it has come to us as no surprise. It has closed down many businesses and made these challenges much more difficult to achieve. If we are a business aiming to deliver a world-class experience to our clients and customers, we need to learn what is the best way to overcome these business problems in the UAE.

Have you successfully overcome these challenges? Share your experience with us so that others can benefit from your solution.

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Why Should Business Leaders of UAE Look Into “Tech-Intensity” After 2020? Wed, 07 Oct 2020 13:42:28 +0000 There’s a common misconception that when we talk about software engineers, we picture geeky enthusiasts sitting behind screens and working their fingers to the bone on...

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There’s a common misconception that when we talk about software engineers, we picture geeky enthusiasts sitting behind screens and working their fingers to the bone on a keyboard. However, things are now transforming, which is certainly not the case for every organization worldwide.

It is observed that tech professionals are widely accepted and hired in non-tech companies rather than tech firms. Technical specialists’ percentile growth is 11% faster in the non-tech industry than in tech-related industries. The following percentage was initially researched and addressed by Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadela, who revealed it during a tech event back in 2018. Since then, it has now become a trend and is expansively growing at an accelerated pace.

Just take a look at the automotive industry globally and study their hiring patterns. It is observed that automotive industries are now hiring more software engineers as much as they are hiring mechanical engineers and the reason behind it is simple. The world is advancing towards implementing more technological solutions and relying less on the workforce to operate them.

Software advancements are not limited to specific IT departments of various organizations. Instead, they are now hiring multiple software engineers to work with them in different departments such as finance, HR, production/operations, and SEO marketing. Wherever any business is observed lacking digital literacy, software developers are found to complete the equation.

Such advancements are allowing non-tech organizations to go beyond the line of performance.

As Microsoft terms it, we are entering into the new era where software developers in different departments are leveraging technology to enhance productivity and enhance operational efficiency.

The idea of using technology to make everything empowered digitally is what sets the very foundation of “tech-intensity.” Wondering what tech-intensity is & how it is defining the next decade? Let’s explore.

What is Tech Intensity?

The concept “tech intensity” was initially introduced at the Microsoft Ignite conference in the year 2018. Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, brought the concept that digital transformation and cloud technologies are an essential component for every organization. Whether they are tech-empowered businesses or non-tech work zones, digital transformation is an integral part of the organization’s progress. However, some organizations go beyond leveraging the cutting edge technologies to innovate & develop more robust solutions to gain competitive advantage. These are the organizations that are empowering themselves with what Microsoft terms as Tech-Intensity.

Forbes explained what Microsoft believes tech intensity feels like from the perspective of Nadella,

“Nadella described tech intensity as a fusion of cultural mindset and business processes that rewards the development and propagation of digital capabilities that create end-to-end digital feedback loops, tear down data silos, and unleash information flows to trigger insights and predictions, automated workflows and intelligent services.”

In the Future, Every Organization Will Become a Tech Firm

In the simplest of terms, tech intensity is the rate at which organizations are adopting technology to build their digital capabilities to work in coherence with the changing times.

For instance, up till now, many organizations have looked towards digital agencies and software firms to help establish their digital presence and implement technologically organization-wide. However, with a tech-intensity, they will now be able to implement these technologies themselves. They can exploit technology to enhance productivity and improve overall work efficiency accordingly.

If there’s one thing that is rapidly changing, then it’s the workforce, which mostly comprises Generation Zers and Millennials. This particular generation is quite tech-savvy. Hence, when they start working in a non-tech related firm, they will expect to work in a workplace environment that is appropriately equipped with the right technological tools.

The workforce in the present era comprises 59% of the individuals coming from these two generations. These individuals have different perspectives, and they work on technologically adept working models. More than 67% of the millennials expect employers to have a purpose. They want them to create a social impact, and Generation Zers are commonly capable of doing it with their social media influencing skills.

In short, if you are not part of the growing social media club in the coming decades, you will fall behind in the rat’s race. Another thing that will increase the tech-intensity for employees in a particular organization is how effectively they will implement software solutions to enhance their operational efficiency. With the introduction to Operation 4.0, organizations are now focusing on four key areas:

  1. Product Driven Processes
  2. Cost and Budget Driven Processes
  3. Journey Driven Methods
  4. Manufacturing Driven Factors

Combining all of these four areas into a single dashboard technology, software specialists can enable operation managers and employees involved with the internal operations to harness the most effective way to solve operation and production problems in coherence with the routine day queries.

Such implementations are observed in the Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) in the UAE market, where bankers are introducing robust solutions to boost digital transformation. They are leveraging dashboards to centralize their operations. While every organization worldwide aims to adopt new technological advancements and rapidly transform, organizations across the UAE are no exception. It’s just a matter of time until every company in UAE will have software engineers at work with them to help recreate technological infrastructures and deploy effective digital processes.

Further Read: How Much does it Cost to Create an Online Banking App

The Use of Advanced Technology in Business Operations

With the advent of AI and Machine Learning, many businesses are now changing how they once operated. IT can make performances more pervasive, and according to MEA business leaders, almost 30%of these individuals leverage the power of AI in research, and nearly 20% expressed how AI has become a hallmark for increasing operational efficiency. The remaining 18% of MENA leaders show how AI developments are affecting sales & marketing and helping them progress.

Microsoft explains how tech intensity has become the center of how businesses can empower partners & customers. Instead of focusing on specific solutions, they aim to show how the entire organization can create their digital solutions as per their particular requirements. It will not only create a variety of opportunities but also help the business to improve dramatically. Are you a non-tech business aiming to expand? How about you consider boosting tech-intensity?

Please share your thoughts with us.

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4 Mind Captivating Web Design Ideas for Tourism Business in Dubai Tue, 18 Aug 2020 10:51:59 +0000 We are living in a day and age where the Internet is ever-evolving. And as the communication between the people grows, so does the fact how...

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We are living in a day and age where the Internet is ever-evolving. And as the communication between the people grows, so does the fact how people interact with businesses. If there’s one thing that is making a significant contribution to the growth of brands and businesses in the present age, then it is none other but website design. It has laid its siege in almost every other industry. From the tourism industry to hospitality, we have seen some great website marvels appear in the digital industry.

And today, we are going to talk about some of the best web design ideas for tourism business in Dubai.

As more technologies are emerging, driving higher demand and giving a path to immersive experiences, here are 4 web design ideas for tourism that I believe are going to work wonderfully.

So without further ado, let’s check these web design ideas and see which of them suits you.

These websites aren’t limited to just the UAE market, but they go beyond that and contain some new design elements. Regardless of whether you belong to the tourism industry or not, you will still find plenty of inspirational web design ideas for tourism business in Dubai.

Travel Oregon

Looking for remarkable web design ideas for tourism business in Dubai, then look no further than the Travel Oregon official website. Here’s a website design that contains every necessary detail to set an exemplary impact from the design perspective. What makes Travel Oregon stand a class apart from the rest is when you arrive at the website page, it provides a clear insight on what the website is all about. A site that gives you the perfect essence of what service or product they are selling creates the perfect sense of brand. With the combination of raw and authentic imagery, the Travel Oregon leaves quite the impact on the mind of the visitors. As far as the font on the website is concerned, the impact is quite decent. Whereas, the structure of the website also contains everything in perfect clarity.

If you are looking for a great website design idea for tourism, then Travel Oregon is quite an eye candy.

Visit Iceland

Minimalistic website design with box-shaped elements navigating you through different areas of the website, what more could you ask from a tourism based website. Are you in search of a website design idea for tourism that does justice to your tourism business in Dubai? Then Visit Iceland creates just the impact. It uses a bespoke font style for all its website content. The tile look just makes the entire website quite an interactive place for audiences to visit and make the most of it. If you hover on one of these tiles, you will observe the image automatically enlarging, giving you a more decent effect. Unlike many other web designs, the Visit Iceland stands a class apart with its right side menu option. So if you’ve just started out with a travel agency or a tourism business in Dubai and you’re searching for some great web design ideas for tourism in Dubai, then here’s one that can offer you a lot.

Bundaberg Region 

The Bundaberg region website is not directly a part of the tourism website business but is a state effort to make Bundaberg destination a local tourism spot. However, there’s no particular reason why we shouldn’t consider the Bundaberg region website as an example to get the best web design idea for the tourism business. If you ever get the chance to visit the Bundaberg website, then you may easily find that they have used a powerful brand messaging to engage the audiences. Some of the design elements that make the website a class apart from the rest of the web designs in the market are,

  • Easy-to-use navigation
  • Full-width page templates
  • Remarkable web design imagery
  • Unique brand font styles of every size
  • Engaging web design colour schemes
  • Flat web design (free of bevels, shadows & gradients)

Such elements exude the perfect essence of building brand trust and advocate it perfectly.

Travel Belize

If you want to go all dramatic with your travel website, then Travel Belize is a great place to take inspiration. Right from the moment, when you visit their website, you will find that the homepage is rather engaging & culturally rich with interesting features. It is quite immersive & provides a remarkable experience right from the start. Right from the moment you visit the website, you will be greeted with an introductory video in the header section giving you a detailed insight on what they have to offer. As you scroll down, you will find other categories such as snorkelling, fishing, birding, etc. All of these categories are scroll activated graphics which you can experience when you scroll down on the website. So if you are searching for an action-packed experience, Travel Belize offers it to you.

As a tourism business operating in Dubai, you need a web design idea for tourism that can win your customers! In my opinion, Travel Belize has every particular feature to offer you just that and more.

Concluding Thoughts

Web design plays a pivotal role in making your business an online success. Great web design brings beautiful aesthetics to the table. It helps in creating a powerful brand image and communicates business with customers. Branex is a web design company in Dubai which helps businesses create a thriving online experience. The tourism business is always on the hype and it’s where Branex can deliver you a state-of-the-art web design product. Are you seeking a user-friendly, interactive web design?

Call our experts to get the details.

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5 Sure-fire Ways to Increase Your Snapchat Followers in the Year 2020 Tue, 21 Jul 2020 13:39:02 +0000 Gone are the days when people used to communicate with each other using tweets, comments, likes and shares. We have now moved into a world where...

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Gone are the days when people used to communicate with each other using tweets, comments, likes and shares. We have now moved into a world where more robust social messaging applications have emerged. Among countless of such real-time messaging apps that are becoming quite the trend, Snapchat stands a head and shoulder above from the rest of the market. What makes Snapchat so unique is its amazing filters and the fact that your shared media can only be shared with a close friend circle instead of being publicly available for the entire world. It’s a great app to keep everyone updated.

But is the new app all goody good for capturing ultimate moments in boomerangs and filtered video? Or is there more to this app then what meets the eye?

Introducing Snapchat for Businesses.

It allows you to put your brand ads in front of people who are already interacting with your products. However, no business on social media can see the light of day unless they have the right followers.

Today, I am going to let you in on a secret on how to increase your number of followers on Snapchat.

So without further ado, let’s get into the details.

Charity Begins at Home and So Does Reaching Out Your Followers

Just starting with Snapchat? I am sure you are already familiar with the phrase, “Charity begins at home” and that’s why if you’re searching for quick followers, there’s no place better than home.

Add people who are already existing in your contact list by inviting them to your circle.

They can be your family members, your colleagues, your friends or even your relatives. Search these individuals up in your contact list and send them a Snapchat invite. How does it work? It’s very simple. All you have to do is sync up your contact list with your Snapchat app and allow access to Snapchat to filter out which of your contacts are already using Snapchat. Once the list is curated, you can send them a follow and request them to follow you back too. In this way, you can start with your followers.

Share Your SnapCode with People & Places to Follow You Back

Do you know that a user can generate a SnapCode by simply clicking on your Snapchat display picture? Those dotted patterns sprinkled around the bell icon on your Snapchat display is a form of a QR code. Do you know that this code is shareable and can help your friends find you easily?

If you want to increase your followership, take the QR code and share it on various platforms. There are plenty of social media groups, forums, subreddits and whatnot which you can cash upon.

For instance, if you’re somebody who likes to play the guitars and has some really cool symphonies to share on Snapchat, write a brief description of what you play and share it with your QR SnapCode in different places. Soon, you will find countless people who are interested in guitar playing joining you.

With your guitar videos, you can easily place business ads in between your short videos later on.

You Can Directly Promote Your Username to Attract More People

Just like social media links, Snapchat also provides a unique URL to the users and a specific username that the person or the brand can share in different locations to let others join you up. If you’re a brand that is selling some product/service, you can craft a fascinating post where you can add your username handle and then publish that post in various locations on different platforms.

This unique URL can also be used as a status, a post, a display picture, a story and so on.

Some people also add these unique URLs and links to their about section on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channels and other promotion places. By doing so, they attract more followers for the Snapchat account and increase their overall followership.

Creating Valuable Content for Snapchat

When it comes to content creation on Snapchat, you get a relatively small window to create short and crisp content that can resonate well with your followers. One of the best things about publishing content on Snapchat is that good content can quickly go viral, and it can sustain longer than usual.

The same goes for the ads that you’re planning to place in between your Snapchat windows.

You can start with a mind captivating headline that can readily hook the audience’s attention. If it’s a specific format of a headline that you’re using, make sure to provide the right value addition. For instance, many advertisers choose a particular headline, but the video content which they post along fails to complement it. Also, make sure the subject of your Ad should be a reliable clickbait. When you address these factors while creating your Snapchat ad, then it is bound to get tapped by users.

A well-optimized content never fails to increase Snapchat followers no matter the circumstance.

Lastly, Create Contests & Focus on Giveaways

Who doesn’t like to win prize money or something equally rewarding? There’s no better way to increase your audience engagement other than hosting giveaways or launching up a contest to help you attract more visitors. Just use a punchline stating, “Follow to Enter and Be a Part of the Win.”

Before you know it, you will be well on your way, making a great fortune for your business.

Concluding Thoughts

There you go, here are some of the surefire ways that will get you maximum audience to your Snapchat account. Just like your Instagram platform, Snapchat is also a handy platform that helps you create quite a positive impact in the online world. With the right number of followers and the best engagements, you can create quite the impression. How about getting started with Snapchat?

The post 5 Sure-fire Ways to Increase Your Snapchat Followers in the Year 2020 appeared first on Branex Official Blog.

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