We are putting up this notice to make you aware of a serious matter that has been brought to our attention. Branex would like to caution individuals in relation to a fake WhatsApp message offering job offers, purportedly sent by Branex. Branex would like to state that it did not send such messages to any individual.
This is a scam message sent from an unknown sender, from numbers originating from Bangladesh, Pakistan and the US, who is attempting to pose as a recruiter for Branex, soliciting the opportunity to offer employment offers on behalf of the company. These offers are not authorized by Branex. To date, we have received several calls from agitated individuals, claiming to have accepted employment offers from Branex. Please note that this scammer does not have any relationship with Branex and the company documents they are sending as proof are also FAKE. We believe that the scammer aims to solicit sensitive personal documentation and bank account details from applicants.
Please be aware of this scam, and if you receive messages from anyone posing as the company, that appears even remotely suspicious, contact us immediately via the contact information provided on the website. Do not respond to these messages or communicate with the sender, and do not provide the sender with any personal or financial information. If you receive one of these messages, please BLOCK the number.
We apologize for this mishap and hope to tackle this matter urgently.
2602, 26th Floor, Mazaya
Business Avenue, BB2, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai, UAE
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