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These Strategies Will Help Brands in Dubai – Reach Their Target Audience on Social Media
May 22, 2019

Smart Hacks to Achieve Your Sales Goals with Instagram Marketing

The popularity of Instagram continues to rise among brands of every size and type. Nowadays, more and more marketers prefer to use this leading visual platform to increase brand awareness, generate user engagement and build a strong relationship with their customers and prospects. If truth be told, Instagram has now become an effective sales generating a channel for many brands due to some of its amazing features. Now brands have more options to attract more and new users and convert followers into brand advocates.

In order to take maximum advantage of Instagram and its useful features, marketers are advised to come up with an infallible strategy to use this platform as a revenue-generating tool. If you are looking for some amazing hacks to generate sales from Instagram, here are some easy ways to gain brand visibility and achieve your revenue goals.

Related Read: How Can You Get Verified on Instagram?

Post-High-Quality Images

Your followers want to know what your brand is all about. It is prudent to post compelling and creative images that beautifully highlight your brand and the quality of your products or services. Make sure that the images you post align with your brand strategy to paint an authentic picture of your brand. Choose a color scheme and stick to it. Don’t switch between different colors or visuals. Remember, consistency is key. Make sure your brand’s visual representation is great; it will create a positive first impression on your potential customers.

Harness the Power of Instagram Shopping Feature

Sales Goals with Instagram Marketing

If you are an e-commerce brand, you can make the most of Instagram shopping feature to help users shop for their favorite products within the app. It makes shopping easier and hassle-free for users while allowing brands to directly sell through Instagram. By using the Instagram shopping feature, you will have an option to mark products that you want to sell with a shopping icon.

By using the Instagram shopping feature, you can increase sales, strengthen your relationship with your customers and create an awesome user experience for your followers.

Take Advantage of Instagram Ads

Instagram advertising is a great approach that can help you reach a wider audience. It is a great tactic for both small businesses and established brands that want to promote their products and services to their target customers. One of the best benefits of running Instagram ads is that it allows you to reach customers who are actually interested in doing business with you.

Let’s Look at Lacoste – the French sportswear company that is famous for its classic Fit Polo shirts emblazoned with the green crocodile logo. The brand created an attention-grabbing Instagram ad to show their audience that they can also create high-quality home products.


By harnessing the power of Instagram Stories, the brand ads persuade users to tap and swipe through cards to check the latest collection of bath and bedding. The brand showcases its product range by incorporating vibrant colors, eye-catching imagery and attractive features of their products. Lacoste received 2x more ROI, 61% increase in click-through rate (CTR) and a 32% lower cost-per-click (CPC).

Instagram Retargeting Campaigns

Instagram is the ultimate place to run your retargeting campaigns and provide users who have visited your website with relevant ads. When you deliver ads based on their previous interaction and behavior, it can make it easier for users to complete a purchase process. In addition, you can also target users and persuade them to view your products or service pages.

The Instagram remarketing campaign allows you to promote the right product or service to the right audience at the right time. When users visit your website and bounce off without making a purchase, they will be delivered an ad that promotes related products that they searched for on your website. You need to install Facebook Pixel on your site or app, upload products, and the ads will automatically be delivered based on the users’ interests and needs. Facebook’s intelligent backend system identifies the most relevant content and shows the right product to the right person with dynamic and creative targeting.

Promote Your Brand usingInfluencer Marketing

Instagram is an effective platform to partner with industry influencers to reach potential customers and increase your sales. Influencer marketing is the most genuine and reliable advertising technique as people prefer to purchase products from brands that have been endorsed by influencers, trusted bloggers and celebrities.

By partnering with industry influencers, you can take your Instagram marketing campaign to a whole new level and successfully achieve your revenue goals.

Create Interesting Instagram Stories

Brands can take advantage of Instagram stories to generate more sales and engagement. There is a wide array of content that brands can post to their Instagram Stories. From running polls to showcasing testimonials, sharina g brand story to promoting company culture, featuring behind-the-scenes and UGC, partnering with influencers to introducing your team and promoting your upcoming product or company event, your marketing team can brainstorm hundreds of ideas to create interesting Instagram Stories.

Use the Right Hashtags

Believe it or not, using the right hashtags can help brands extend their reach, increase brand awareness and audience engagement. Creating an effective hashtag strategy is important for achieving your marketing goals. In fact, choosing the right hashtags can make your brand discoverable on Instagram while allowing users to find the relevant content they want to see.

If you are aiming to attract more target audience and double your sales, start using the hashtags that are relevant to your services and products. You can experiment with different hashtag combinations to attract more users.

Final Thoughts

Instagram provides your brand with a great opportunity to differentiate itself from competitors, market your products or services and increase your chances of conversions. It allows marketers to tap into a wider audience base, express their brand, and generate more profits. A professional digital marketing agency in Dubai will help you create an awesome Instagram strategy that you can follow to persuade people to prefer your brand over others and achieve your sales goals.

Saher Naseem
Saher Naseem
Saher Naseem @SaherNaseemD is a creative writer, blogger and a social media addict. Blog writing is her passion and she shares her knowledge and insights on the latest advancements and trends in web design, web development, social media marketing, SEO, app development and much more.

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