What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you want to know something new? Your teacher, friend or an encyclopedia? Wrong! It’s the internet that comes to your mind as soon as you come across something that you are not aware of and soon after realizing that it’s the internet which is going to provide you the much needed knowledge about this particular new thing, you start browsing and finally lands on a website that is the very source of the information you are trying to get your hands on.
One business that has thrived after the boom in the requirement of and traffic on websites is the website design business. Many professional web design agencies were setup to provide designing services to clients from across the globe and who are belonging to diverse business industries.
In order to Christian a website there are certain things to be considered, that makes the website design creative and engaging at the same time. Contrary to many people’s’ belief, it’s not the high quality content that is required to create a high quality website. In this article, I will describe the top ten features that will guarantee you a high quality website:
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Of course, coming up with original and high quality content is crucial. You simply cannot expect a high rank from your website if it doesn’t have good quality, properly researched content on it. All high quality websites like Economist, Entrepreneur, Forbes etc that are really famous on the world wide web, have high quality and well researched content on them.
if a website continues to produce high quality content, it is highly possible that it will grab the attention of people and some might even get interested to link back to the website as well. Google, similar to any other search engine takes back links in high regards. The more back links a website has the better the visibility will be. Suggested is to acquire natural back links with the gain in popularity of the website, however there is another way too; Unnatural back linking that is done through the webmaster (Google Search console), is also a good way to acquire quality back links.
Web visitors hate to browse websites that are overly complicated. Web designers should go outwardly crazy when designing websites. The design structure of any good website be one that is easily interpret able by the visitor. Website that a visitor understands easily hold better chances of generating probable leads from them, thus better business development.
All website pages are supposed to be accessed by the main navigation. You simply cannot afford to let the user intuit about your web page existence and also find it on his own, because he won’t. You are therefore advised to create a sitemap if your website is a bigger one and contain many pages. If it’s a moderate size website, try creating a tab for each page in the main drop down navigation for each one of them.
The hallmark of a high quality website is that is properly maintained. It should not have number of error 404 pages. It should not have broken links or too many redirecting URLs that can possibly deviate your visitors’ attention. Also, presence of pages with dummy content or no content at all also raise a big question mark on your credibility.
Your website design needs to be original and visually appealing. You will have to be a really shallow company yourself if you are copying a design of some other brand or a business. if found, you will lose all you good rapport and chances are you will also have to face a copyright infringement lawsuit.
With the rise of good in technology, rising the bad as well. Hackers and scammers are spread all across the internet to find any security loophole in a website’s code and voila, they get on their work asap to rob the most valued data from any websites database. Small websites like WordPress websites are very prone to hacking. You must take cautious measures to ensure the proper protection and security of your website to ensure the health and safety of your web and your customers’ data.
High quality websites tend to have greater acceptance on social circles. Since high quality sites tend to produce interesting and informative articles on regular basis, people are more likely to share the links of those articles on different social media sites. That means if you want to make your website treated like a high quality website, you will have to come up with an interesting social media marketing strategy. Don’t forget to include easy to use social widgets on your website for easy liking, sharing and commenting on your newly published article.
There is absolutely no other way to stress enough on the fact that a high quality legitimate website needs to have a physical contact address, mentioned on a contact us page. Just adding a lead generation form is not enough. You need to provide proper address of your business to your visitor on the website which adds up to your legitimacy.
And last but not the least is the swift loading time for your webpage. According to latest research, a normal visitor only waits for 7-10 seconds on a website till fully loaded. If the website fails to load completely in the given frame of time, the user will move away, increasing your bounce rate. In order to reduce the size of your website to decreased loading time, you need to scale down images and use external style sheet and JavaScript files to reduce weight.
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