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SEO For Dentists: Complete Guide To Attract More Patients

seo for dentists

Put yourself in the shoes of a dentist who has just started offering their services. How can people find your business? Few decades back, they might have used yellow pages to locate your dental clinic but today, they will use search engines. This means that dentists can no longer afford to ignore SEO. Having a great website is not enough especially if you have not optimized it correctly.

It won’t show up in search engine ranking pages when someone searches for your business. That is why it is important for dentists to learn how to do SEO. Wondering how to do SEO for dentists? You have landed on the right article. This step-by-step guide will walk you through different aspects of dental SEO and help you bring in more walk-in customers to your dental clinic.

What is Dental SEO?

Dental SEO is a set of optimization techniques used to optimize a dentist’s website for better visibility on search engine ranking pages. This allows your dental business to show up higher on search engines and attract more patients.

Why Is SEO Important for Dentists?

Did you know that 70% of patients searching for a dentist will click on one of the top five results? Did you know that 92% of patients will not go beyond the first page of search results? Yes, you read that right. These statistics clearly highlight the importance of SEO for dentists. It also goes to show that even ranking on the first page is not enough, until your website is ranking in the top five results.

What are the Advantages of Doing SEO For Dentists?

Here are some of the advantages of doing SEO for dentists:

  • Increase awareness
  • Attract more patient to your dental clinic
  • Boost your credibility and build trust
  • Reach more people
  • Generate more revenue

Types of Dentists SEO

Understanding different types of dentist SEO is crucial to become a dental SEO expert.

Dentist SEO can be broken down into three types

  1. On page SEO for Dentists
  2. Off page SEO for Dentists
  3. Local SEO for Dentists

Let’s look at each one in more detail to give you a better idea.

On Page SEO for Dentists

When optimizing your Dentists website for on page SEO, here are some of the key factors you should focus on.

  • Title and header tags
  • Meta title and meta description
  • EAT and YMYL
  • Image optimization
  • Internal links
  • URL structure
  • Page load times
  • Schema Markup
  • Responsive design

Off Page SEO for Dentists

How to do off page SEO for dentists? Here is how.

  • Directory submission
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Article submission
  • Social media
  • Local listings
  • Forum posting
  • Press release

Local SEO For Dentists

Some of the key local SEO ranking factors includes:

  • NAP optimization
  • Online citation
  • Claim your Google My Business Profile
  • 3 pack map optimizations

How To Do SEO For Dentists Websites?

Here are some of the dentist SEO tips you can use to optimize your dental website for search engines.

Competitor Analysis

Start off by creating a list of all your competitors, both direct and indirect. You can take inspiration from the keywords they are targeting, content they are creating and the backlinks they have generated. This way, you will not have to reinvent the wheel and will know how to beat your competitors with your dental SEO strategy.

SEO and Content Audit

After doing competitor analysis, the next step would be to conduct a comprehensive SEO and content audit. Content and SEO audit will give you better visibility into your current content and SEO state. SEO and content audit is a great way to uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Target The Right Keywords

Identifying the right keywords to target for dental websites is the most important step but how would you do it? You need to think like a patient. What would a patient looking for a dentist would type in a search engine? Use keyword research tools to uncover untapped keyword opportunities. You can also look at the competition and the keywords they are ranking for to get a better idea about which keywords you should target.

Create Valuable Content

With a list of keywords in front of you, it is time to create content around those keywords. When writing content, put your buyer’s persona above everything else.. Don’t just create content for the sake of it, provide value to your readers. Your content should help them solve their problems.

Optimize Your Content for Search

Gone are the days when your content can rank with keyword stuffing. Today, search engines can identify the context behind the content and provide relevant results based on searcher intent. As a result, you will have to be extra cautious when placing keywords in your content. Only place it where it naturally fits in instead of forcefully inserting them in your content.

Generate Backlinks

Just publishing content does not guarantee that it will rank automatically. You will have to create more backlinks to boost your domain authority in order to give you content a chance to rank higher on search engines. Include links to helpful resources whether internal or external as it will increase reader’s and search engine trust in your content. Adding relevant internal links can pass on link juice to other pages while showing search engines how different pages are connected to one another.

Did this SEO guide help you to optimize your dentist website for SERPs? Which SEO process do you use to optimize your website for SERPs? Share it with us in the comments section below.

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