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7 Marketing Hacks to Build Digital Brand Engagement

Building a strong connection with your customers is indispensable for your business’s long-term growth and success. Today’s customers are more tech-savvy and smart; their purchase decisions are based on reviews by their peers and the overall experience with a brand. Creating an authentic and positive brand image is the key when it comes to building your digital brand engagement, driving sales and growth. When you have an engaged customer following, you have higher chances of generating more profits from the existing customer base.

Brands are harnessing the power of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter to engage with their customers. Many established brands are also tapping the power of mobile apps, engaging games, video content and other channels to reach their target audience.

If you are looking for some innovative and effective ways to supercharge your digital brand engagement, here are some winning marketing strategies to achieve maximum engagement.

Let’s get started.

1. Harness the Power of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the best strategies that brands can leverage to attract a wider audience, boost engagement, promote their services and products and earn more profits. Influencer-created content has an enormous potential to boost the effectiveness of your ads. When it comes to increasing your brand engagement, influencer marketing is the ultimate workable strategy that can help you create an engaged consumer base and encourage them to buy from you.

As a result, more and more brands, agencies and entrepreneurs have started using this tactic to nurture a community of brand ambassadors and loyal fans.

Lifestyle blogger Kate Le Vie is promoting Naked Juice in this post along with her beauty essentials and daily outfits. The post gained more than 3,500 likes.

2. Ask Questions

Asking questions is one of the best ways of getting people involved and creating a sense of community that will eventually help you increase brand engagement. In fact, asking questions can help you receive more likes, shares,and comments than usual posts.

Consumers love to share their stories and asking questions give them an opportunity to share their experiences. Besides getting maximum engagement, you will also get the opportunity to know the likes, dislikes, interests and pain points of your audience that will help you improve your services and product quality.

Whether you post polls, survey, questions, Snapchat stickers,Instagram stickers, or any other option, make sure to create interesting questions that compel your fans to answer and help you boost brand engagement.

3. Offer Incentives and Giveaways

Offering special discounts, coupon codes, membership offers, free shipping,and giveaways is another smart trick to nurture strong connections with your customers and prospects. You can experiment with diverse types of offers and find the one that your customers like the most.

Offering deals and discounts will not only increase customer engagement,but also increase conversions, customer loyalty, and customer acquisition rate. You can use any of these deals and discount offers to create maximum brand engagement.

  • Percentage discount
  • Free shipping
  • Prelaunch offers
  • Weekly/monthly offers
  • Product giveaways
  • Holiday offers
  • Seasonal offers
  • Email subscription offer
  • Influencer offers
  • Customer loyalty offers
  • Referral offers
  • First time shopping offer
  • Product bundling
  • Value-added offers
  • Cart Abandonment Offers
  • Exit Intent Offers

digital brand engagement

4. Create an Effective SEO Strategy

In this technological world, it’s no wonder that people use search engines to find the information, products or services that they need. Brands can strengthen their SEO game to increase their brand visibility on a search engine and reach a wider audience. When your website ranks at the top of the search engine page results, you will gain greater reach and engage with new potential customers.Brands should invest their efforts and energy in creating quality content in different formats such as blogs, guest posts, podcasts, webinars, infographics, slideshares, videos and more.

5. Post Content at the Right Time

To supercharge your brand engagement and connect with your audience on a deeper level, it is advised to post the right content on the right platform at the right time. Keep in mind that social media users are not active all the time, so what’s the point of posting content at times when nobody is looking?To maximize your engagement opportunities, it is highly recommended to diligently check when your followers are most likely to be online and then schedule your posts to get more likes, shares,and comments.

Since the best time to post may differ due to many factors such as target audience, demographics behavior, time zone and social media platforms you are using, it is important to conduct thorough research to see what timing will work best for you for different channels.

6. Create an Online Community

By actively participating in online communities and educating your customers,you can build brand credibility and enhance brand engagement. You can create discussion threads and forums and educate users about your products and services. Participating in online communities will help you identify the problems your customers are facing and provide them with effective solutions.

7. Tell Your Brand Story

There is a story behind every brand. Sharing it with your audience will make people love your brand and create brand loyalty. Sharing your vision, mission, and the sole reason behind your brand existence is a wonderful way to foster connections and evoke a sense of emotion. So, narrate your brand story and give your audiences a reason to actually love your brand and foster engagement.

Final Words

Working to increase your digital brand engagement is an ongoing process. You should experiment with these strategies to see what efforts will give you the best results. This way, you can increase your brand engagement, earn more sales and grow your business efficiently.

Saher Naseem
Saher Naseem
Saher Naseem @SaherNaseemD is a creative writer, blogger and a social media addict. Blog writing is her passion and she shares her knowledge and insights on the latest advancements and trends in web design, web development, social media marketing, SEO, app development and much more.

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