Websites today look a lot different than they did in the past. With web design trends and user friendliness sweeping the market, it has become absolutely necessary to implement the current in websites. This is the reason why trends become quite popular even before we know it. If they promise exciting designs as well as ease of usability with better functionality, they are here to stay. If not, then they are just left in the dust.
When you come to think of how the e-commerce web design and development has actually transformed in all, there’s just one major element that dominates all others: User. The more we try to make it easier for the user by becoming a problem solver, the better designs we create.
Think of an eye-catching website that offers zero functionality. The user will stay there for a few seconds to absorb it all in only to find out that it offers little or no user-friendly attributes. Imagine spending a fortune on creating a beautiful website that leads to a bounce rate. What a mess! This is why you design first for the user, functionality and later for merely flaunting because, in the end, all a visitor wants is a solution, a result, something that will help him find the answer to the questions.
Does that mean that creating a masterpiece isn’t important at all? Of course not. This only means that function to go first and art is to follow. First impressions matter too so excluding them completely won’t do you any good. That means inspiring design and cutting-edge development go hand in hand.
Take a look at some of the most fine-looking website designs that we picked off to brighten things up. They are a good blend of flamboyant and awesome outlook with a great taste in color scheme, fonts, and textures. There’s a lesson to be learned in each of these designs so keep your eyes open for that.
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Nurture Digital is a creative agency that aids brands by creating award-winning digital campaigns. With duotone implemented, their website is no less than a surreal piece of art.
If any website looks forward to becoming chic and trendy, Diesel has to be their go-to inspiration. With cards, colorful pictures and some more spectacularly humane shots as you scroll down, the website is a real winner for a clothing brand that offers something hip in every season, for everyone.
Apart from just creating out of the world designs, the focus today is also on keeping it real. Amax displays some amazing photography of actual people for a greater motivation.
A one-stop shop for surf, snow and lifestyle shopping, Oneill has high-quality items for people of all ages and all kinds of crazy interests, including men, women, and kids. The website is a true representation of what the brand offers and is absolutely user-friendly for an online store.
So these are all for today. Hope that each of them inspired you in their own unique way. Did you stumble upon any flashy designs that have a good UX and is stunning too? Feel free to add it in the comments. We would love to hear from you!
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