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8 Result-Oriented Video Marketing Tactics to Generate Qualified Leads

Today, businesses are looking for more creative and result-oriented ways to attract a wider audience. When it comes to marketing and promoting your business, video is one of the most effective ways that can help you achieve the desired results. Did you know 87% of businesses use video as an integral marketing tool?

53% of marketers believe that video helps them increase brand awareness, engage with their audience and build trust with potential customers. For brands, creating user engagement and building trust is the key to promoting their products or services. Videos, if used right can help businesses generate more leads, delight customers, and earn more profits.

Videos can help marketers to improve the overall buyer journey – from the awareness stage to the consideration and decision stage, it can improve your overall lead generation efforts. This is why many businesses made a video an essential part of content marketing services and used it effectively to generate high-quality leads and more conversions.

Many brands are using video as an important element of their online marketing campaigns and use it frequently to get greater returns. According to HubSpot, personalization and video marketing is a powerful combination that can capture your prospect’s attention.

Whether you are running a B2B or B2C company, video marketing plays a major role in convincing prospects to make a purchase decision and become your customer. If you are using video in your marketing campaigns, now is the right time to harness the power of video marketing to connect with your target audience.

Interesting Video Marketing Statistics 2021

·         Today’s users spend 2.6x more time-consuming video content than concentrating on pages without video.  

·         83% of marketers believe that video marketing produces a good ROI and helps them drive more traffic to their website.

·         74% of marketers say video has more potential to convince and convert than any other type of content.

·         Video is projected to account for 82% of online traffic this year.

·         Adding videos to email marketing campaigns can increase the click rate by 300%.

·         Embedding a video on your landing page can increase the conversion rate by up to 80%.

·         60% of B2B and B2C marketers are ready to use video content for marketing.  

The question is how to use video content creatively to make it work for your organization? Let’s explore how digital marketers and social media managers can incorporate videos into their digital and email marketing strategies to earn prospects’ attention in this competitive world.

1.       Gated Content

2.       Embed Video in Landing Page

3.       Use a Powerful CTA

4.       Subscriptions

5.       Embed Videos in Emails

6.       Video Retargeting Ads on Social Media

7.       Leverage Video Testimonials

8.       Use Videos for On-boarding

Video Marketing Tactics to Generate Qualified Leads

1.       Gated Content

Generating high-quality leads is the ultimate goal of video marketing. Using gated content is a great strategy to attract potential customers and persuade them to make a purchase decision. All you need is to use a metaphorical gate that asks viewers to provide their contact details, such as name and email address to access video content.

Marketers can use this strategy by simply using a form at the starting on in the middle of the video. According to Wistia, videos that include a form within the first 20% of the video received a 43% conversation rate. I think this number is enough to include a form in your video content and if your goal is to generate leads it is worth thinking about where to include a form in the video.  

The strategy of gated content works best for informative videos, product trials, demo, case studies, webinars, and industry analysis reports that convince desperate viewers to provide their contact information to access the content they can’t find elsewhere.

So, next time you create video content, use the strategy of gated content, include a form in the middle of the video to excite prospects to learn what you offer.  

2.       Embed Video in Landing Page

It’s no secret that the goal of the landing page is to convince visitors to learn more about the product or service by clicking the CTA button. Integrating a video into a landing page is undoubtedly a sensible strategy that can help you convey your message in a more compelling way.

Believe it or not, adding video to the landing page persuades visitors to convert. According to a study conducted by Eye View Digital, embedding videos on a landing page can increase the conversion rate by up to 86%. It is a highly effective strategy to convince visitors to stay longer on the page and explore the benefits of your products or services.  

Furthermore, adding a video to the landing page can increase the trust factor by giving your brand a human face to explain the benefits of your products and what your brand has in store for their customers.

3.       Use a Powerful CTA

Okay, this is something very important marketers need to carefully consider when it comes to making your video a big hit. If you don’t include a persuasive CTA in your video, you are missing out on the great potential of converting prospects into customers. Whether your goal is to collect emails to create a list of subscribers, ask viewers to follow your brand on social media, or want visitors to request a consultation, adding a CTA to your video can help you achieve this goal. A famous video marketing platform Vidyard allows marketers to add a strong CTA directly to your video. Adding a CTA to your video content guides viewers to take the desired action and move further down the sales funnel.  

You can also use YouTube Annotations and Cards to create powerful CTAs to make a video more exciting and interesting. You can include a URL, email address, or phone number to help prospects find detailed information and move further down the marketing funnel.  

4.       Subscriptions

Many marketers run a YouTube channel where they share informative and interesting videos to increase brand awareness and market their brand, services, and products. YouTube gives viewers an opportunity to subscribe to the channel so that they will automatically notify every time a channel uploads a new video. It gives you a great opportunity to get more returning customers who are already interested in your brand’s offerings and services.

5.       Embed Videos in Emails

Including video in your email marketing campaigns can lead to open rate increases of 6%. It is important to note that An email including a video can reduce your unsubscribe rate by 75%. Embedding videos in email marketing can help you:

·         increase conversion and click-through rate

·         boost email open rate

·         reduce the unsubscribe rate

·         build trust

·         get more social media shares

·         strengthen your SEO efforts

6. Video Retargeting Ads on Social Media

If done right, retargeting campaigns can take your marketing campaigns to a whole new level. It provides marketers with a great opportunity to generate multiple impressions by showing personalized content to each person based on their interest and stage in your sales funnel.

If your prospect has given their contact information via personalized video landing page and getting emails and newsletters from you. It is the right time to leverage retargeting video ads to convince them to consider your brand when it comes to making a final purchase.

Make sure to provide great value through video retargeting ads; you can use tutorials, tips, and tricks, how-to guides, or anything that is helpful for your potential customers. Using video in your retargeting ads can be used to provide additional information, such as sales or upcoming new products to bring excitement among your potential clients.

Remember, the goal of video retargeting ads is to create user engagement, raise brand awareness and remind your leads about your services or products. Don’t try to use sales tactics, it will simply ruin your brand image. Share your brand value or story via video content by entertaining, inspiring, and engaging your audience.

7. Leverage Video Testimonials

Providing your prospective customers with social proof is one of the most effective marketing tactics that can help marketers nurture leads and get them to convert. Video testimonials are one the best types of social proof that your brand can use to eliminate all the doubts and fears about your product or service.

In a video testimonial, a customer or brand shares their experience about your brand and how your products or services helped them to drive positive results. By providing external validation, you can easily build trust and establish your brand as a trustworthy and reliable source from where your potential customers can get quality products or services.

According to statistics, 47% of people prefer to watch a testimonial video as they want to see how a product or service actually works. 77% of people say that video testimonials are too convincing and help them make a purchase decision.

A video testimonial can humanize your brand while putting a face to your products.  

If you’re not using video testimonials yet, try incorporating them into your landing pages, emails, social media and allow your potential customers to see what other people talk about your brand. It shows your existing clients and customers that you value their opinion and encourage them to speak positively about your products, services, thereby adding further credibility.

8. Onboarding Videos

When it comes to welcoming new users to a platform, using a video is an intelligent way to educate them about your products and introduce exciting features and usage. 74% of customers watch a video to understand how to use a mobile app or website better.  

Using customer onboarding videos can help your new clients learn how to make the most out of your services. With the help of onboarding videos, you can

·         Inform your customers about the core functions and value proposition of your products.

·         Explain a product, service, concept, message, or brand in detail.

·         Provide support and train your customers to get the best user experience.

·         Improve customer retention rate

·         Build long-term relationships with customers

To Sum, All Things Up

Hopefully, incorporating these effective video marketing tactics into your digital marketing strategy will help you attract a wider audience and improve your lead generation efforts. Try these video marketing techniques to get high-quality leads and achieve sales goals this year. 

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