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5 Branding Strategies to make your brand stand out in 2020

As an entrepreneur, this is the first regret that you might feel when you enter the digital world. You are not Apple, Google, or Amazon, which means you don’t have tons of money in your bank to invest in branding. You are just starting, and you need to boost your brand awareness out there without wasting too much money.

Luckily, you don’t need an Amazon-sized account for an effective branding strategy. There are ways in which you can attract potential customers without spending plenty of money.

  1. Start by Defining your Brand identity

Branding is more than a logo or a jingle. Your branding is a collection of values, mission, statement that your brand holds. It is the way you treat your customers; the way customers perceive your brand from the outside.

Before we even dive into all about branding your business, here are two steps that you must take to point you in the right direction.

  • Figure out who you are
  • Figure out who your target audience is

If you already know what your brand intentions, good for you. But if you don’t know, you need to do a little corporate soul-searching.

Retrospect yourself as a brand. Who do you want to be? What does your logo represent? Can you describe your company in three or fewer words?

What difference will your brand make in the industry?

The clearer you are towards yourself, the better you’ll be able to portray a sharp brand image in front of the consumer.

Next is, figuring out who your target customers are.

There is a considerable number of small brands that put effort into figuring out what products they are willing to sell, neglecting the fact that whom they will sell.

Before you further define your ideal customer. What is their income? What about education and what they look for when buying online from new brands?

Will your product be any right to them?

No matter what business you are in, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you must do things that make you different from your rivals.

You need to figure out your point of difference (POD). For instance, if you sell Big Mac, then your POD is that “special sauce”; this makes your company unique.

Do you use ethically sourced ingredients? Do you offer the best customer service on the go? Whatever your POD is, ensure that you figure that out and do everything to protect that POD.

Branding Strategies 2020

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  1. Make yourself visually appealing

Once you’ve defined who you are, who your customers are, what makes your different – your POD. Now, you can design things with the right mindset.

To make your brand visually appealing, you must begin with a brand guideline. Learn about how famous brand create their brand guidelines. The font, the colors, and even the background image that you use must speak something about your brand.

Every element in your brand guideline will give the feeling of the overall brand.

Your logo, which is the face of the company. The first thing that the consumer will experience. Pick colours, background, and even the shapes carefully.

When it comes to business cards, we can surely help you create some jaw-dropping business cards for you. We will take your logo (if you don’t have one, we can create it for you) and synchronize it with your website theme.

Every material that you use on your website or even offline in the physical world, it is necessary that you do it with a clear conscience.

  1. Right Content is the key

You are just starting, or you are struggling financially. There is only one thing that can save you from being lost and forgotten: content marketing!

Content marketing can do wonders for your brand in a couple of ways. When you create content, it gives a signal that you are a go-to resource for quality content on the subject. Just as SearchEngineJournal is for SEO professionals, the Entrepreneur is for startups, and Copyblogger is for copywriters and bloggers. You can create content and market it so that people will recognize you as the industry leader.

Content marketing is a fantastic strategy to build a brand voice for your brand. By a strong brand voice, you’ll be able to drive the brand personality anywhere you want. What is the relationship that you are willing to create with your customers, don’t tell, show it with your content?

And between the two of us, content marketing is pretty affordable; you can make your content work for you.

The only thing that you need to work on is the right content. When the customer reads Do some research and figure out the type of content that your audience demand.

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For example, for a local bakery, your customers are looking for recipes, guides on making the best bread, and other food-related tips and hacks. You can start by creating a blog and listing down every problem that the user faces in the form of a blog post.

The point here is to give your consumer quality information regarding your industry. If you add value, answer questions asked by the consumers with your content, you can earn the trust and convert it into a business opportunity.

  1. Collaborate Wisely

People prefer to do business with someone they trust. But if you just started, it will be challenging to earn that trust. There is a smarter way to do that, which is collaborating wisely with a similar but non-competitive brand.

For instance, if you sell energy drinks. It will be wise to collaborate with your local racers and offer them a free sample. You can go to a sports shop and leave a few samples there. Lastly, you can write a guest post on high-end sites that will help you get the attention you need.

These high-profile blogs already have the attention, the target audience, but they are not your competitors. So, grab this golden opportunity and make it work for you.

  1. Be a Spiderman for your customers

There is a high-competitive market out there, and to make something out of it, you must become a friendly-neighbourhood-spiderman to save your customers.

Consumers want someone they can trust. The branding you do will grab the attention of your customers. The way you interact with customers will create a reputation for your brand.

That’s why you need to be someone friendly, helpful, wise, and someone who loves dealing and serving customers.

Ensure that you portray as someone that provides the highest level of service to customers. If your customers leave you with a positive experience, they will keep coming back and they will happily mention you to their friends.

One thing that you must keep in mind is that customer service is not just a department. Every person in your team is a customer serving agent. Every interaction, every comment, and every phone call can bring tons of business or make people angry.

In a Nutshell

You surely don’t need and arm and a leg to brand your business effectively. All you need is an ounce of creativity and tons of hard work.

Everything that you do – the interaction, the phone call, and even the comment that you leave on social media will create a perception of your brand in the eyes of the customer. Before doing anything, ensure that you leave the customer in a positive state of mind. With a clear mind, customers will be happy to give you some good business.

Yousuf Rafi
Yousuf Rafi
A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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