User experience is one of the most critical factors that directly leads to success or failure of your mobile app design. Very often, user experience (UX) is mixed with usability of your app, which is also true to a certain level, as usability does help in building a user experience for your user, however, UX has grown more to accommodate not just usability but a myriad of facets that needs to be taken care of to deliver a superior user experience to your mobile app user.
There are 7 important factors that combine to form a winning user experience and in this infographic we have described them in detail. But before proceeding to the infographic, let’s have a read through of what these factors are that are going to make or break our mobile app’s user experience.
Probably the first and foremost factor that clearly declares the success quotient of your app in the market. No one would want to use a product that is not useful for them. Your mobile app will fail miserably if it fail to be of use to its target market. You just cannot umbrella your app’s non-usefulness if clearly it’s unable to accomplish a task for the user.
Research on the usefulness of the app that you are about to launch. A strict competitor analysis (if applicable) is a great tool that helps you decide on the useful features of your app.
Do not confuse usefulness with usability. Where usefulness is the purpose fulfillment of an app, usability accounts for how easily that purpose is fulfilled by the user. For example: If the steps in catching a Pokemon in ‘Pokemon Go’ would be difficult then the game wouldn’t be as big hit as it is today.
This features of building user experience can be understood by the example of newspaper. If the news on a paper are scattered all throughout instead of being clubbed within sections of sports, entertainment and business, it would get very difficult for the reader to find what he is looking for to read. Similar is the case with mobile apps. If your mobile app is cluttered and its features are not easily findable by the users, it will not be able to leave a profound impression on them, resulting in their not returning to the app.
As said by Randall Terry, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” The user of today is just not going to let you fool them the second time. Today the app stores are filled with apps that undergo almost similar functions. Search for one and it displays with its alternatives already in front of you.
Credibility relates to the ability of the product to not just perform what it vouches to do, but to provide a long term value to the user in terms of the accurate information that it provides and that fits the purpose.
Toyota and Ford both manufactures SUVs. Both of them are useful, usable and findable that provides long term and honest value to the users, however, if given a chance to the users to choose among the two, many Americans will most probably go with Ford. Not saying that Toyota makes bad cars, but there is a certain value that the customer derive from the product. Similar is the case with mobile apps.
This value is driven through the design, style and presentation of the app. If you have created your mobile app design in a way that is both a treat to the eye and functional, there is no way that it is going to miss out on attracting the user, thus successfully achieving the first milestone of positive user experience.
Unfortunately, accessibility often is given less value when it comes to creating a mix for a profound user experience.
Accessibility is often termed as providing the experience to the user that covers the full range of the abilities. This also covers those who have hearing impairment or any other form of disability. Designs that are made keeping the usability factor of the app is usually considered less important for companies as people with disabilities makes a smaller segment of the overall market. Keeping the accessibility factor in your mobile app design is definitely going to do well for your brand, along with bringing you more cash. As mentioned earlier, there are not many options that people with disabilities have in the app market.
Finally, your mobile app must deliver value. It must deliver value to the business which has created it and to the users too who buys it. The value will be determined by summing up all the above mentioned factors together that also eventually translates into a winning user experience that the app creates for its target market.
The success of the mobile app greatly depends on the usability of the product. Products that rank high on usability, usefulness coupled with other factors that I mentioned in the post and in the infographic, makes the app UX go higher, thus resulting in better market response and reach to the customers. Mobile app development agencies that keep in mind the mentioned factors in their mind, their apps usually do much better than the rest in competition.
Courtesy of: Branex
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