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8 Ways to Fortify the Usability of your Website Design

Website for any business is the first interaction point with the customer. Websites not only make a prominent online presence for the business but also provide a persuading point for the customers to take action on. Their content and design works in the most prolific ways possible to generate leads and eventually sales for the business owners. But, most of the times, website designers fail to realize the importance of certain points that can not only create a winning user experience but an aesthetically advanced website design that is liked by users. Before we move onto these points, here are few pointers that could help you realize the importance of usability in any website design from the customer’s perspective.

  • A normal website user spends about 2.6 seconds in scanning a website before focusing on any particular section.
  • Around 180 milliseconds are spent focusing on one particular section before moving further.
  • Only about 1-2 seconds are there for you headline to capture the user’s attention.
  • More than 50% of the sales are hindered because users cannot find the appropriate information on the site easily.

Here are the important elements you must work on while creating your website design to foster a great usability experience for your online users. This info graphic is brought to you by a professional website development agency in Dubai, Branex.


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Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui, surely a blogger/Digital marketer from Mars making some waving on this earth. Writing for 8 straight years, Muneeb is equipped with digital knowledge like no one else. Mostly he writes about mobile app development Dubai, custom mobile app development, corporate branding, e-commerce tips and tricks, Entrepreneurship, and web design company Dubai . He loves drinking Tea and has a passion for innovating, educating and motivating people to live life to its fullest. Connect with him on: Twitter | LinkedIn

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