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9 Tips for Real Estate Agents to Get More Sales in Dubai

Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Regardless of the magnitude of advancement in the tech industry, you cannot discount the vital role salespeople play in different business verticals. Why? Because the products and services in question are personal and require a certain level of trust to be built before the clients move forward to close the deal.

Real Estate marketing is such a field. It is not solely about the place itself. It is about whom you are purchasing it from. If the sales agent is well-informed and trustworthy, he can close the deal within the first few meetings. But, most of the time, it takes the legwork and a ton of convincing to sell a property. That’s why we have compiled nine tips for real estate agents that will help them to crack the deal without apple-polishing anymore.

It’s easy to ignore the signs and keep blaming others for your failure. It’s easy to assume that time will heal and make everything right. But what’s difficult is to speak up your voice.

It’s easy for real estate agents to create a social media profile as it doesn’t require one to be an astrophysicist. What’s difficult is to manage the profile and leverage it to lure in customers via social media.

But, how will you know that people are willing to buy from your page? Just because you post an update after two days doesn’t mean that it will reach your target audience. It’s quite insane.

The core benefit of a social media platform is to connect with the target audience and offer content that would entice them into exploring your product offering. The way to do that is to join real estate Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and even forums that discuss real estate.

Social media platforms are a great way to connect with potential clients who want to purchase their dream homes or sell their properties. If you are already on social media, it is time to step-up your game a little bit. Aggressively join groups that have something to do with real estate. Find people who might be interested in your offerings and customize your pitch accordingly. Of course, not everyone will respond, but those who do will give you a chance to make a sale.

Real Estate Marketing Ideas

  • Observe but Don’t Copy Your Competitors

What are others doing in your area? How potent is their website? How active are they on social media? And what are their strengths?

It is essential to know what strategies your competitors are using to grow their sales. But it is not necessary that those same strategies will work on your target market. If you learn about a specific approach from your competitor, it is better to test and modify the strategy as per your needs.

For instance, your competitor might prefer contacting their customers via email, and you can try starting a conversation via live chat. This might give you an edge over your competitors.

  • Design A Killer Business Card

The thing with real estate agents is that if they don’t socialize much, they won’t be able to generate business. And when retailers meet people, they often give their business cards.

People might not like this way of marketing, but if the business card is unique or fascinating, it will get the attention of the people.

If you have a graphic designer friend on your friend list, ask them for their service. Or, if you want a mind-blowing business card, feel free to contact us. We can do it for you.

  • More Images, better chances

Even if you have informed the client about the deal over the phone unless the client visits the place or see pictures of the property.

When you are selling to a client, you are not just selling a property; you are selling the whole town. This means the surroundings are also outstanding. You can explain as much as you can about a place, but unless you show the picture client won’t be able to establish a bond with the place.

  • Write Irresistible Content to Capture Leads

No one gives away anything for free. If you want to earn the trust of prospects, then you must first give them something valuable. That might be “X things to consider before buying a new house” or “X ways to negotiate the best deal with your real estate agent?” Once you give them something valuable, the customer will begin trusting you and engage in a conversation, and once you get that ball rolling, it is an excellent chance to wrap it up with a solid deal.

  • How About a virtual tour?

Is it essential for the client to visit the place in person? How about using VR to make the client take a tour of the house.

A virtual tour will help the client understand the dynamics of the place and feel everything related to their new home.

We all know that time is a precious commodity, which is why you can plan virtual tours of possible houses that can entice your client. A comprehensive look at Virtual Reality can give your clients a clear view of the cons and pros of the place.

  • Local Marketing

Become sponsor of an event or festival in your town that might attract your customers. If you cannot afford to sponsor in an event, how about placing your flyers in the nearest departmental store. This will help you increase your exposure in the local market.

  • Create a Pinterest Board

Real Estate is all about pictures. If you use high-quality authentic images it will attract more customers, and even visitors will come running towards your office. To reach new customers, you can create Pinterest boards in which you can highlight the benefits of renting/buying a home in that area.

You can also give valuable information regarding real estates, like stats and pricing in your area. This will surely attract some serious buyers.

  • Develop a Mobile-Friendly website

Tech-savvy consumers spend tons of time on their mobile devices. A recent study has shown that 80% of Internet users use their mobile devices for online activity. It’s paramount that your website is mobile-friendly. Even better, consider creating a mobile app that potential buyers can use to review listings.

Must Read: Why Website Design is Important for Your Real Estate Business

There is endless scope to buy, rent, and sell properties. But what differentiates good real estate agents from great ones is their strategies. If you want to close some deals feel free to follow the above-mentioned tips, if you don’t want to sell your home, you can always pass this blog to your realtor amigo. Or if  you are a real estate agent that needs a real estate website or a mobile app, feel free to contact us, we’ll love to add value to your business.

Yousuf Rafi
Yousuf Rafi
A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.

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